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HISDEMAP Talk: "The politics of the poor in Egypt"

Dear all,  I am delighted to present to you my online talk in the HISDEMAP seminar session, from February the 20th, on the topic: "The politics of the poor in Egypt - analytical reflections and empirical findings".  The talk is accessible through the following link, by using the passcode below:  https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/X4KxiA_MnY2t7ABBTBVS9lmBRHhXlrP7B_vntv65OpFrLI0f5iCwLqRMPkUpQTGl.AXZkr2Mf8QiNrpV_?startTime=1676905864000   Passcode: #n2kh&g+  With best regards,  Prof. Dr. Cilja Harders 

Apr 26, 2023

Hybrid or face-to-face?

 General information about studying at the Otto-Suhr-Institute in Covid-19 Times

Sep 15, 2021

16.03.15 - 17.03.15: Mohammad M. Mojahedi at Conference at Kings College London

King’s College London, 16-17 March 2015, find the program of the conference here .

Mar 14, 2015

