"Karlsruhe hat gesprochen – Was wird aus dem Rettungsschirm?" (Karlsruhe decided - what does the future of the ESM look like?) - Dr. Sabine von Oppeln taking part in PHOENIX Runde on 12.09.2012
"Tysk dom udstiller Europas politiske fallit" (German judgment exposes Europe's political bankruptcy) - Dr. Julia Langbein has been quoted by the Danish newspaper Information on 13.09.2012
"Merkel moves ahead with eurozone measures amid German grumbling, lawsuits" - Dr. Julia Langbein has been quoted by Associated Press on the upcoming ESM ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court on 11.09.2012
- "Am Ende der Krise wird es mehr und nicht weniger Europa geben" (At the end of the crisis, there will be more Europe) - Interview of Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel with campus.leben on 16.07.2012.
- "Mehr Europa? Stoßen wir mit dem ESM an die Grenzen der Verfassung und der Solidarität?" (More Europe? ESM and the German constitution and solidarity) - Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel taking part in a radio-discussion of Deutschlandradios Kultur on 06.07.2012
- "Geburtsfehler Maastricht - Tanja A. Börzel über Konflikte in der EU-Wirtschaftspolitik" (Birth defect of the Maastricht Treaty - Tanja A. Börzel about conflicts in EU economic policy) - Interview of Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel with Neues Deutschland on 22.06.2012
- "Ohne Euro: Griechenland würde in die Situation eines Entwicklungslandes abrutschen" (Without Euro: Greece would have the situtation of a developing country) - Interview of Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel with Yahoo! Nachrichten on 15.06.2012
- "Merkels støtte til Sarkozy kan give bagslag" (support for Sarkozy of Merkel can backfire ) - Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel quoted in an article of Danish newspaper Information on 15.03.2012
- "Hollande Meets Merkel to Start a Delicate Balancing Act" - Dr. Sabine von Oppeln quoted in an article of New York Times on 15.05.2012
"A Berlin, premier dîner de Hollande avec Merkel" (In Berlin,first diner of Hollande and Merkel) - Dr. Sabine von Oppeln quoted in French newspaper Le Parisien on 15.05.2012
"3 FRAGEN AN...Sabine von Oppeln" (3 questions for ...) - Interview of Dr. Sabine von Oppeln with the news portal heute.de on 15.05.2012
"Au revoir Merkozy – Quo vadis Europa?" (Goodbye Merkozy - Quo vadis Europe? ) - Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel taking part in a radio-discussion of Deutschlandradios Kultur on 11.05.2012
- "Merkel pide boicot contra Ucrania" (Merkel demands boykott of the Ucraine) - Interview of Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel in a news coverage of Hispan TV on 08.05.2012
- "Merkel y Hollande acuerdan estrechar relaciones" (Merkel and Hollande agree on closer relations) - Interview of Dr. Sabine von Oppeln in a news coverage of Hispan TV on 08.05.2012
- "Politologin: Kontinuität mit Hollande, aber neue Akzente" (Political scientist: continuity with Hollande, but new stresses) - Interview of Dr. Sabine von Oppeln with dpa on 07.05.2012
"Allemagne : Guido Westerwelle évoque « un événement historique », Merkel va appeler Hollande" ( Germany: Guido Westerwelle evokes "a historical event", Merkel will phone Hollande) - Dr. Sabine von Oppeln qutoted in French newspaper Les Échos on 06.06.2012
"Hollande vai ser um presidente mais fácil para a Alemanha" (Hollande will be a much easier president for relations with Germany) - Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel quoted in an article of Portuguese platform sapo.pt on 04.05.2012
"Mehr Gegenwind für Merkel aus Paris: Ein neu gewählter Präsident wird selbstbewusster Forderungen stellen" (More opposition from Paris: a newly elected president will demand more selfconfident) - Interview of Dr. Sabine von Oppeln with Euronews on 02.05.2012
"The Myth of the Rising Powers" - Guest contribution of Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel for IFAIR e.v. on 01.05.2012
- "Call for Growth to Counter German Push for Austerity" - Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel quoted in an article of New York Times on 23.04.2012
"Europapolitik im französischen Präsidentschaftswahlkampf 2012" (European politics during the French Election campaign 2012) - Article of Dr. Sabine von Oppeln for EurActiv.de on 23.04.2012
"Wirtschaft 2012 – Schlittern wir an der Krise vorbei?" (Economy 2012 - are we sliding just next to the crisis?) - Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel taking part in PHOENIX Runde on 19.01.2012