Advice on communication
For efficient communication, please consider the following points:
Subject line: meaningful wording should be chosen that captures the purpose of the communication and the degree of urgency (including Seminar XY, oral or written exam, study guidance, term paper discussion).
Attachment: the electronically attached files are sent in the format "Last name_ Purpose of paper_Date". Each document sent should have a cover sheet or header with name and email address; please send documents in *.docx or *.pdf format only. Please send large files (e.g. podcasts) via WeTransfer.
Timing: in order to ensure that papers are processed in a meaningful way, documents must be submitted at least two days before the agreed consultation date.
Answer: Normally, I try to answer requests as soon as possible. Should it take longer than three days, you are welcome to friendly ask for a reply.
Consultation hour: serves to clarify systematic, content-related questions about the DF degree programmes and about presentations, term papers, BA and MA theses or doctoral dissertations. If you 'only' need a signature or have a brief, formal question (e.g. deadlines for submission), write an email. The following always applies: first consult the information on the FB and OSI pages, my homepage, your course on blackboard and/or the FAQs on the DF degree programmes.
Appointments: Please refer to my profile for all necessary information on making consultation appointments. Click here.