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Maura Kratz

Profilfoto: Maura Kratz

Free University Berlin

Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science

Center for Comparative Politics of Germany and France


Ihnestr. 22
Room 121a
14195 Berlin
+49 30 838 – 65100

Office hours

My office hours in the winter term 2024/25 take place every Wednesday from 9 to 10 a.m. at Ihnestraße 22, room 121a. Please let me know in advance by sending a short e-mail to maura.kratz@fu-berlin.de outlining your concerns.

Currently taught courses

Maura Kratz




Democracy in crisis? Concepts, challanges and perspectives of research on democracy

15071 Garystr.55/302a Link

Prior taught courses

Summer semester 2024

Tuesday, 8-10am Proseminar How representative is our democracy? Concepts, Empirics and Measures of Political Representation 15073 Garystr.55/302a Link

Winter semester 2023/24

Thursday, 2pm - 4pm Proseminar EU Social Policy and Environmental Change: Challenges, Synergies and Trade-offs 15254 Garystr.55/302a Link