Univ.-Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Helga Haftendorn

Freie Universität Berlin
Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science
Center for Transnational Relations, Foreign and Security Policy
University Professor Emeritus<br>Former Director of the Center
Room 106a
14195 Berlin
Office hours
on appointment by email request
Staatsexamen (equivalent to M.A.), University of Frankfurt am Main; Dr. phil. (Ph.D.), University of Frankfurt am Main; Habilitation, University of Hamburg.
Professor Haftendorn is the former Director of the Center and Professor Emeritus of Political Science and International Relations at the Free University of Berlin. She has taught courses in international relations theory, German foreign policy, and European security policy. Her main research interests are in German and American foreign policy: Northatlantic Alliance and problems of the Arktic.
In addition to teaching at the University of Hamburg and the Armed Forces College (Hamburg), she also was a visiting professor in the United States at the Georgetown University, 1977-78, the Stanford University, 1982-83 and at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy (1989). In 1991/92 Professor Haftendorn served as President of the International Studies Association. In 1993 she was elected as a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science. In November 1995 Professor Haftendorn received the Max-Planck Research Award for International Cooperation, in 1996 the Federal Republic of Germany´s Order of Merit.
Currently, Professor Haftendorn writes policy papers on contemporary security affairs for various international research institutes. Currently Professor Haftendorn works at the international research group GeoNorth on different studies about the Problems of the Arctic.