A comment by Jürgen Gerhards and Michael Zürn on the Covid crisis management by the People's Republic.
A comment by Jürgen Gerhards and Michael Zürn on the Covid crisis management by the People's Republic.
News from Feb 12, 2021
For a long time, social scientists have assumed that the liberal model of society consisting of individual self-determination, democracy, capitalist market economy, and welfare state was the ideal way to social development and modernization. This belief was not only based on the claim of normativ superiority, but also on the claim of superior performance. In the past decades however, the rise of China to become the worlds next superpower has challenged this claim. And after one year of the covid-pandemic, the country appears to be stronger than ever.
Jürgen Gerhards und Michael Zürn argue that China is the clear winner of this pandemic and explain why. Please follow this link to read the whole article.