Christian Volk – “Hannah Arendt’s Crises, and Ours. The ‘worldlessness’ of our time manifests itself in right-wing populism” (Essay)
Symposium “Reading Hannah Arendt’s Crises of the Republic in the Age of Trump” with contributions by Mary Dietz, William E. Scheuerman, Seyla Benhabib, Jeffrey C Isaac and Christian Volk
News from Oct 31, 2018
Read Christian Volk’s essay on “Hannah Arendt’s Crises, and Ours. The ‘worldlessness’ of our time manifests itself in right-wing populism”.
Symposium: Reading Hannah Arendt’s Crises of the Republic in the Age of Trump (published by Public Seminar. Informing debate by any means necessary.)
This symposium contains essays by Mary Dietz, William E. Scheuerman, Christian Volk, Seyla Benhabib, and Jeffrey C. Isaac that engage with the obvious and meaningful resonances between Crises of the Republic and the present. They were originally presented in August at the American Political Science Association’s annual meeting in Boston, in a panel organized by William Scheuerman and moderated by Cidgem Cidam.