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Panel Discussion: "Gilets Jaunes": Protest and Democracy in France

The panel discussion aims at examining France's "gilets jaunes" as a protest phenomenon with experts from various disciplines.

News from Mar 26, 2019

Johanna Luyssen, Berlin correspondent for the daily newspaper "Libération"
Prof. Dr. Dieter Rucht, Sociologist and Protest Researcher, Berlin
Dr. Jérémie Gauthier, Sociologist and Police Researcher, Straßburg
Host: Prof. Dr. Miriam Hartlapp
Welcoming speech: Prof. Dr. Christian Volk und Dr. Tim Wihl
Tuesday, 23.04.2019, 6:15 pm
Ihnestr. 21 14195 Berlin, Auditorium A

Please follow this link for further details.
