Marlene Gómez Becerra

-Since 08.2018 Research assistant (PhD student) at the Otto-Suhr-Institut, FUB. Currently developing a project on Feminist Political Ecology and the Politics of Food in Urban Southern Europe. The project is part of an Innovative Training Network sponsored by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 764908-WEGO 2018-2021.
-2017 Master in Geography with focus on Territory Planning. Degree granted by the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Master thesis: "The production of space and gender in Cooperativas Campesinas en Camino (Peasant cooperatives), Oaxaca, Mexico (2000-2014)"
- 2016 exchange student in the "International Research Training Group Between-Spaces- Zwischen-Räumen" at the Latin American Institute of the Free University Berlin
-2015 Diploma in Geographical Information Systems with Free Software and Open Source. Focus: analysis of Landsat images, analysis of remote sensing data, vector layer analysis, and spatial analysis
-2013 Research Fellow at the Institute of Economic Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Responsible for the project "Public Policy: From Poverty Assistance to Marginality-Autonomy"
-2013- Assistant Professor of Political Theory and Philosophy II at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico
-2009/2014 B.A. in Political Science and Public Administration. Degree granted by the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Bachelor thesis: "Society and components of life: the protection, control and recharge of the aquifer of the metropolitan area of Mexico City 2012-2016"
Decolonization of power
Solidarity Economy
Gutes Leben/Buen Vivir/Sumak Kawsay
Feminist Political Ecology
Theory of Space
Anticolonialism and Postcolonialism
Practicing Care in Times of COVID-19 by WEGO PhD students Marlene Gómez and Eunice Wangari in the Frontier Journal. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 764908-WEGO.