Lola Fischer-Irmler

Gender and Diversity Division
Student Assistant
Room 118
14195 Berlin
My academic interests revolve around (queer)feminist political theory. I work with a focus on social reproduction and care work, feminist economic critique, materialist-feminist theories of the state and feminist movement research.
In doing so, I benefit from my studies of M.A. Gender, Intersectionality and Politics and Social Sciences with a focus on labor and gender sociology.
since 2023: Student assistant at the Department of Gender and Diversity at the Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science.
since 2022: Study of M.A. Gender, Intersectionality and Politics at Freie Universität Berlin.
2021-2022: Study of M.A. Sociology - European Societies at the Freie Universität Berlin.
2021: Graduated with a B.A. in Social Sciences from the Humboldt University of Berlin. Thesis, Reproduction in Marxist Feminism. A textual comparison between the Russian Revolution, the New Women's Movement and today (first and second supervisor Prof. Karin Lohr and Prof. Christine Wimbauer)
since 2020: Social counselor for LGBTI* students, among others at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Book reviews2024 Review: Gerner/Hansen: Ökofeminismus für heute. Contraste - Zeitung für Selbstorganisation, 41(475), 15.
Conferences and workshops2024. Struggles for the conditions of social reproduction. Authors' workshop Care on the move. Jena. (planned publication in the Special Issue Social Movements 2025)
2024 Sorge im Parkcenter - How do we feministically expropriate a shopping center? 10 Jahre Netzwerk Care Revolution. Leipzig.
2023. Introduction to materialist feminism. Workshop PfiCa. Wittstock/Dosse.