Maximilian Schmidtke
Since 12/2023: Student assistant in the project "Sexual Science, Self-Determination and Transnationalism: Global Scripts of the Early Homosexual Movements in Germany (1865-1969)" with Dr. Mehmet Sinan Birdal
Since 10/2021: Study of the M.A. "Gender, Intersectionality and Politics" at the FU Berlin
04/2021 to 07/2023: Employee in political education at Planpolitik GbR - Interactive political education
10/2016 to 07/2021: B.A. "Social Sciences" at the HU Berlin.
Final thesis: Lässt sich AIDS darstellen? Application of Susan Sontag's reflections on photography and illness to Jürgen Baldiga's AIDS images
07/2018 to 02/2021: Student assistant in the management and analysis department at the Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF)
Research interest
History of sexuality
Construction of masculinities
History of ideas of gender and body
Pietz/Schmidtke (2020): Kulturerbe schützen: Aufgabe der GSVP?, in: PeaceLabBlog (Debatte: Neustart in Brüssel?)
Pietz/Schmidtke (2019): EU CSDP Missions and the Protection of Cultural Heritage, in: IAI Commentaries 19:63.