Johannes Heß
Cohort 2020
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gülay Çağlar
Topic of PhD Thesis: Gender and Nationalism in the Catalan Independence Movement
Project Doctoral Researcher
Boltzmannstr. 20
Room K056
14195 Berlin
Room K056
14195 Berlin
Education and Work Experience
- 10/2018 - 09/2020: Freie Universität Berlin, M.A. Political Science
- 09/2016 - 01/2017: Universiteit Leiden, Political Science (Erasmus)
- 10/2014 - 09/2018: Universität Konstanz, B.A. Politics and Public Administration
Academic Appointments, Scientific Activities & Outreach
- 04/2019 - 09/2020: Freie Universität Berlin, Arbeitsbereich Methoden, Student Assistant
- 02/2020 - 03/2020: Hessische Landesvertretung Berlin, Referat Politische Grundsatzangelegenheiten, Intern
- 03/2017 - 07/2017: Universität Konstanz, DAAD scholarship program 'Leadership for Syria', Student Assistant
Fellowships, Stipends and Awards
- 10/2014 - 09/2020: Heinrich Böll Foundation study scholarship
Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2022/2023
15142 Proseminar: Crossing Gender and the Border: A Transgender Studies Approach to the Liberal Border Regime
- Sezessionistische Bewegungen
- Regionalistische Parteien
- Wahlforschung
- Feministische quantitative Methoden