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EQUIP- Equal Opportunities in Higher Education: Partnership for Institutional Change with UCC and KU

Principal Investigator:

DAAD Programm "DIES-Partnerships with Higher Edcuation Institutions in Developing Countries"

This DIES partnership between Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) and University of Cape Coast (UCC) Ghana entails a four-year plan for a collaborative project between the two universities to develop and implement crucial equal opportunity measures. The approach to this goal is twofold. Firstly, the main objective of the project is to realize equal opportunities at UCC by establishing conducive structures and professionalizing actors during the first stage. Secondly, the project aims to establish UCC as a hub for disseminating equal opportunities, knowledge and good institutional practices in Africa, starting with a pilot partnership with Kenyatta University (KU) in the third year. Throughout the project, equal opportunity actors at the partner universities network and through their collaboration undergo varying stages of sensitization, knowledge building and incorporation of intersectional perspectives to their work towards creating more equitable higher education institutions. During this joint effort, an Action Plan for Equal Opportunity is developed and a Continuing Education Program for Equality Officers is established at UCC.

Click here to visit the project website.

EQUIP is funded by the program DIES-Partnerships with Higher Education Institutions in Developing Countries by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).