How do you make energy out of wind and cow dung? What have mashed potatoes and roast beef got to do with climate change? What does the tree trunk from the Grunewald tell us about global warming? How can we make the world fair and sustainable in the long term?
These and other future-oriented issues on sustainable development are the subjects for our SchülerUni for sustainability and climate protection.
From March 2012 until the end of 2015, we offer our free programs in spring and fall. We open lecture halls, seminar rooms, boiler rooms, laboratories, solar roofs, the weather station and the Botanical Garden to make the abstract concepts of sustainability and climate protection come alive.
With our one-week program consisting of 50 hands-on workshops and lectures we address and discuss - in relation to the lives of the school children - social, economic, environmental and cultural aspects of sustainable development and together we develop solutions for everyday life.
The 2013 programs are devoted to mobility, this year's annual theme of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. On this point, we were able to engage interesting local institutions such as "Verkehrsclub Deutschland (VCD)" and "Junior Campus der Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin" for the program.
Looking forward to seeing you soon
SchülerUni team of ffu