Isabella Pfusterer
Research Center for Sustainability
Room 3.14
14195 Berlin
Isabella Pfusterer is a researcher (Ph.D. candidate) at the Research Center for Sustainability (FFN). She is pursuing her Ph.D. in the project "The Deserving Rich - a multidisciplinary analysis of the (German) production of wealth."
Previously, she completed her Master's studies in "Political Science - International Affairs" with a focus on development and environmental policy at Sciences Po Paris and Freie Universität Berlin. Additionally, she studied in the Global Studies Program at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, where she engaged with critical social theory. She obtained her Bachelor's degree in "Political Science - Sciences Sociales" from Freie Universität Berlin and the German-French campus of Sciences Po Paris in Nancy.
She gained work experience at the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU, and the Hirschfeld-Eddy Foundation. Furthermore, she worked as a student assistant in the project "GLOCON - Global Change - Local Conflicts" at the Institute for Latin American Studies and the Research Center for Environmental Policy (now FFN) at Freie Universität Berlin.