Julia Tovote

Research Center for Sustainability (FFN)
14195 Berlin
Julia Tovote is a doctoral researcher at the Sustainability Research Centre since June 2022. As a visiting researcher at the Museum für Naturkunde, she bases her research on the participatory collection experiment “Changing Natures”. She is member of the Excellence Cluster SCRIPTS and member of the German-French Doctoral College „Den 'Anderen' repräsentieren: Museen, Universitäten, Ethnologie/ "Représenter l'Autre : musées, universités, ethnologie".
She has several years of experience working as a consultant and in science and sustainability communication, e.g. at Nissen Consulting, the Institute for Ecological Economy Research, Goethe Institut and Die ZEIT. She studied Political Science, Economics, Philosophy and French at the University of Mannheim. For her master thesis, she received the 2nd ABSOLVENTUM Artes Liberales Prize.
Tovote, J.; Heyne, E.; Sevcik, J.; Eichenauer, E. (2023). Wie hat sich deine Umwelt verändert? Leben im Zeitalter des Menschen. Interaktive Lehr- und Lernmaterialien zu menschengemachten Umweltveränderungen und persönlicher Wahrnehmung für die 9. - bis 13. Klasse. [Dataset]. Data Publisher: Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN) - Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science. https://doi.org/10.7479/sv4b-qk05. (chosen as educational resource of the month by the German Portal for Education for Sustainable Development)