Programme of the 2012 Berlin Conference online!
The programme of the 2012 Berlin Conference on "Evidence for Sustainable Development" is now online! Keynote speakers include Jacqueline McGlade (European Environment Agency) and Uwe Schneidewind (Wuppertal Institute of Climate, Environment and Energy).
News from Jul 30, 2012
The 2012 Berlin Conference is jointly organised by the Environmental Policy Research Centre at FU Berlin and the LIAISE Network of Excellence. The conference theme addresses the knowledge basis of political decisions required for sustainable development, the construction of evidence, and the ways evidence is used in decision-making.
The conference aims at bringing together scientists from different disciplines and strands of research that produce evidence to support decision-making for sustainable development, and those that study the use of such evidence. Furthermore, policy-makers and practitioners working at the science-policy interface or dealing with issues of evidence use in policy-making are invited to share their experiences.
The conference will be held in Berlin on 5-6 October, 2012. More information on the conference and the conference programme is available at