Arnab Mandal

student / TERI Institute
Arnab Mandal is currently pursuing Master’s in Sustainable Development Practice at TERI University, India. This course has been started as part of a global initiative on recommendation of the International Commission on Education for Sustainable Development. The course is also known as Global MDP Programme ( The programme is very much focused on public policies and different aspects of sustainable development. As part of the "FFU/TERI Sustainable Development and Climate Change Dialogue- GISCCD”, Arnab Mandal will work on the project- Sustainable Development Strategies: Lessons from the EU. He will study EU governance for sustainable development particularly focussing member states strategies, plans and sustainability indicators. His research questions are: What are the potentials for lesson-drawing for India? How is Sustainable Development Strategy linked with Green Growth and Green Economy?
Arnab Mandal will perform interviews with experts and policy makers in Germany and other parts of the EU in order to gain insight into planning and policy making and implementation process with respect to sustainable development. Under the guidance of the supervisor in Germany, collected information will be analyzed and used in the research document. The research work will look into different dimensions of sustainable development (environment, economy and society) in European context. Linkages between macro-economic policies, trade policies, and sustainable development strategies will be analyzed.
The research outcome will be in the form of analysis of the subject with Indian perspective. It will highlight aspects relevant for India’s green future. Thus, it will contribute significantly to German-Indian Sustainability and Climate Change Dialogue (GISCCD).