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Call for Papers - Helmholtz


“Energy Systems in Transition: Inter- and Transdisciplinary Contributions”

Wednesday, 9th of October to Friday, 11th of October 2013 at Karlsruhe, Germany

Call for Papers

News from Nov 26, 2012


“Energy Systems in Transition: Inter- and Transdisciplinary Contributions”

Wednesday, 9th of October to Friday, 11th of October 2013 at Karlsruhe, Germany

Call for Papers



The Helmholtz Alliance ENERGY-TRANS is pleased to announce the launch of its Call for Papers for the conference

"Energy Systems in Transition: Inter- and Transdisciplinary Contributions",

which takes place between the 9th - 11th October 2013 in Karlsruhe, Germany.

The conference organizers invite contributions from different disciplinary perspectives. The main objective is to gain a better understanding about the conditions, dynamics and impacts of energy transitions towards sustainability. Energy systems are understood as complex socio-technical systems that require transdisicplinary methods and a focus on policy- and action-oriented research.


            Deadline for submission: Thursday, the 14th of February 2013

            Proposals should be sent in PDF format to: jens.schippl@kit.edu

            Conference Website: www.energy-trans.de/conference-2013