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Two new publications of the WinWind team at FFU

Leiren, M.D., Aakre, S., Linnerud, K., Julsrud T. Di Nucci, M.R and Krug, M. (2020): Community Acceptance of Wind Energy Developments: Experience from Wind Energy Scarce Regions in Europe. Sustainability 2020, 12(5), 1754.


Di Nucci, Maria Rosaria; Krug, Michael; Will, Anna und Swantje Vondran (2020). Akzeptanzfaktoren und akzeptanzfördernde Maßnahmen beim Ausbau der Windenergie. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen 4/2020 29-34.

News from Apr 02, 2020

Leiren, M.D., Aakre, S., Linnerud, K., Julsrud T. Di Nucci, M.R and Krug, M. (2020): Community Acceptance of Wind Energy Developments: Experience from Wind Energy Scarce Regions in Europe. Sustainability 2020, 12(5), 1754.


The article identifies key similarities in acceptance-related patterns of wind energy development across the selected regions in six European countries, but also important differences, highlighting the very context-specific nature of community acceptance. The findings contribute to improving the understanding of the forces, factors and relationships at play between policy frameworks and perceptions of wind energy under different conditions.

Di Nucci, Maria Rosaria; Krug, Michael; Will, Anna und Swantje Vondran (2020). Akzeptanzfaktoren und akzeptanzfördernde Maßnahmen beim Ausbau der Windenergie. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen 4/2020 29-34.

The article is based on the findings of the just concluded Horizon 2020 project WinWind (https://winwind-project.eu/home/) and presents the results of a stakeholder survey conducted by the WinWind German partners FUB FFU and seecon Ingenieure. The respondents were asked to assess the relative Importance of various acceptance factors and to identify their priorities in terms of possible problem-solving strategies. In total 59 stakeholders in the WinWind target regions Saxony and Thuringia and in the model region Brandenburg assessed 34 acceptance factors The most important barriers to acceptance include the number and size of the installations, their visibility, the distance to residential areas, the effects on environment and avifauna and health and well-being. The main driving forces identified for the local acceptance of wind energy projects was their contribution to cover low carbon electricity demand, the possible greenhouse gas savings, the local enbedding of the plant owners, the communication about the projects and the transparency of the planning and approval procedures, local added value and the economic situation of the residents.

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