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New article in ‘Sustainability’ on the implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive in nine countries

News from Jun 05, 2023

As part of the Horizon 2020 project COME RES, another article was recently published in the journal Sustainability under the leadership of the FFN project team Michael Krug, Maria Rosaria Di Nucci and Lucas Schwarz. The article examines the implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) in the nine COME RES partner countries with a focus on the provisions for so-called renewable energy communities (RECs). In particular, (1) the definition, rights and market activities of RECs, (2) the elements of an enabling framework and (3) the extent to which the specificities of RECs are taken into account in renewable energy support schemes are highlighted. The article can be accessed here.

  • Krug, M.; Di Nucci, M.R.; Schwarz, L.; Alonso, I.; Azevedo, I.; Bastiani, M.; Dyląg, A.; Laes, E.; Hinsch, A.; Klāvs, G.; Kudreņickis, I.; Maleki, P.; Massa, G.; Meynaerts, E.; Pappa, S.; Standal, K. Implementing European Union Provisions and Enabling Frameworks for Renewable Energy Communities in Nine Countries: Progress, Delays, and Gaps. Sustainability 2023, 15, 8861. 
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