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New article of the COME RES team (Dr. Rosaria Di Nucci, Michael Krug und Lucas Schwarz) just published in Energy Research and Social Sciences in cooperation with colleagues from the Netherland and Norway.

News from Apr 27, 2023

Building on previous literature, the authors identified seven variables for effective polycentric energy governance: equity and co-benefits; inclusivity and local involvement; information, demonstration and innovation; ownership and accountability; organizational multiplicity; experimentation and flexibility; and clear goals set and enforced by a higher-level authority. To compare a variety of polycentric institutional configurations, they analysed the case of Norway, the Netherlands and Germany. The findings indicate that, in general, some degree of polycentricity appears to be beneficial for the energy transition.

Anfinson, K.; Laes, E., Bombaerts, G.; Stansdal, K.; Krug, M.; Di Nucci, M.R.; Schwarz, L. Does polycentrism deliver? A case study of energy community governance in Europe . Energy research and Social Sciences Volume 100, June 2023, 103093.

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