New publication in 'Sustainability' on the implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive in Germany and Italy.
Michael Krug and Maria Rosaria Di Nucci of the Research Center for Sustainability, together with Matteo Caldera and Elena De Luca (ENEA), provide a comparative analysis of the development of a regulatory framework for renewable energy communities.
News from Jun 15, 2022
EU member states were required to transpose the EU's recast Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) by June 30, 2021, which includes provisions for so-called renewable energy communities (RECs). Thus, member states are called to establish a regulatory framework to support and advance the development of RECs. The authors examine the implementation of the relevant provisions in Germany and Italy from a multi-level governance perspective and compare elements of their respective regulatory frameworks. Although Germany is one of the pioneers in the development of energy communities, the implementation of the provisions relevant to RECs has been slow and rather patchy. In Italy, on the other hand, RED II played a catalytic role: the implementation was dynamic and fostered a steady growth of REC initiatives. Nevertheless, further establishment of RECs in both countries needs structural adjustments of the governance system and improved vertical policy coordination. The article has been written in the framework of the Horizon2020 project COME RES "Community Energy for the Uptake of Renewables in the Electricity Sector", coordinated by the FFN, and can be accessed here