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Awarded! GoingVis-subproject Leuchtturm Louise wins audience prize "Blue Compass"

News from Jun 09, 2022

The climate change adaptation project Leuchtturm LOUISEwins the audience prize "Blue Compass" awarded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment and the Federal Environmental Agency. Leuchtturm LOUISE was initiated within the research project GoingVis and as a civil societal platform facilitates the evolvement of feasible and citizen-centered projects on climate change adaptation in rural regions and small towns. It thereby acts as an interface between municipal, regional and federal state administration and civil society. With the announcement of the nomination, Leuchtturm LOUISE launched a comprehensive mobilization campaign in the region to participate in the online voting. This enabled the project to win 13,929 votes by the end of voting. The momentum of the competition impressively demonstrates the activation potential that participation-oriented projects for climate change adaptation can unleash.

Further information on the national award can be found here: www.uba.de/blauerkompass

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