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Klaus Jacob and Beatrice John in conversation with Deutschlandfunk on the research project GoingVis

Klaus Jacob (FFN) and Beatrice John (City of Boizenburg) talk about the challenges and opportunities of small cities in designing and implementing climate adaptation measures.

News from Apr 06, 2022

In the program "Aus Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften" (in German) Klaus Jacob (FFN) and Beatrice John (City of Boizenburg) talk about the challenges of small cities in designing and implementing climate adaptation measures. Small cities have up to now hardly been in the focus of adaptation policies and research on climate adaption. However, the specifics of small cities make them particularly interesting as experimental spaces for new forms of climate change adaptation that focus on individual responsibility , activation and collaborative engagement. In the BMBF project "GoingVis-Mit kühlem Kopf in heißen Zeiten" (GoingVis-With a Cool Head into Hot Times), the FFN scientists, together with the practical partners Boizenburg/Elbe and Elbe-Elster, show ways in which administrative action and civil society can be brought together to effectively shape climate adaptation and shed light on the role of the social network in climate change adaptation action.   

An insight into the activities that have already been implemented in Boizenburg can also be found here.   

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