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Vacancy: Research fellow on small-town climate change adaptation with 75% (conditionally upon allowance) in TV-L 13, limited to 30.11.2023, ID: FFUGoIngVis

News from Oct 28, 2021

As a result of the research and development phase of the associate project 'GoIngVis - "Keep cool in hot times": How governance through integrative visions (GoIngVis) can assist towns on their way towards heat resilience' 2 exemplary small town climate change adaptation processes were designed. The aim was to mobilize citizens for joint adaptation action. The implementing partners Boizenburg/Elbe (in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) and the transition centre Brikettfabrik Louise (in Brandenburg) therefore developed two intermediary platforms for civil society and public administration, and initiated diverse activities.

Now the project association is facing a two-year implementation and consolidation phase. The goal is to long-term preserve the results locally and transfer the governance approach on climate change adaptation to further small towns.

The research fellow will support the project manager with the coordination and scientific supervision of a transfer network "small towns in climate change". The tasks will include the establishment and coordination of a small towns network on the topic of climate change adaptation, the communication of the GoIngVis model approaches within the network, and an evaluation of the significance of model towns for climate change adaptation.


- completed scientific degree in political or social sciences


- expertise and professional experience on the topic of climate change adaptation and

Urban research

- knowledge of community building and management, of the analysis and evaluation of societal


- qualitative and quantitative methods of empiric social research

- confident oral and written articulation and langugage in German and


- salient social, communicative and intercultural competencies and team spirit

- experiences with designing and implementing participation formats

- knowledge and firmly usage of the basic Office applications

- willingness to business trips

- excellent oral and written German and English literacy

- experiences with political scientific transition research; involvement in research projects.

For further information contact Mr. Dr. Klaus Jacob (klaus.jacob@fu-berlin.de / 030-838-54492).

Address your application including sound records indicating the position ID in pdf format (preferably as one document) electronically to Mr. Dr. Klaus Jacob: klaus.jacob@fu-berlin.de.

Considering the current situation we request you to send your application electronically. The processing of applications sent by mail cannot be guaranteed.

The job call can be accessed on the FU's online job advertisment board.

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