Workshop on „Distributional Effects of Environmental Policies and Instruments“
The FFU organised a workshop on the project „Distributional Effects of Environmental Policies and Instruments“, which took place in the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) on 26.09.2013. Using the subjects of „Sustainable Mobility“ and „Energy-Saving Building Refurbishment“, around 40 participants discussed how the analysis of distributional effects of environmental policies and instruments could be designed.
News from Oct 17, 2013
So far, few analyses on distributional effects of environmental policy and its social acceptability are available in Germany. Moreover, the existing studies restrict themselves to burdens in income on the one hand, and impacts on the number of jobs on the other hand. In public debate, it is generally assumed that environmental measures create additional charges and undesirable distributional effects. However, this narrow viewpoint neglects possible positive distributional impacts of environmental policy. Not only do environmental instruments have a direct effect on income and employment, but also they are able to improve the quality of living through environment and health protection.
The workshop aimed to discuss and further develop the analytical framework and the conception of distributional effects of the project. The analytical framework is beyond the scope of looking at direct income and employment effects, and also includes indirect effects, health aspects etc.
The project is conducted by Dr. Klaus Jacob. Researches of the FFU, Dr. Sabine Weiland, Anna-Lena Guske and Jonas Pohlmann, are also involved in the research. A complete description of the project can be found here (German only).