Discussion paper on the relevance of the final report of the Enquete Commission on growth, prosperity and quality of life for the German resource policy by Lisa Münch, Klaus Jacob und Stefan Werland.
Within the project “Resource Policies” Lisa Münch, Klaus, Jacob and Stefan Werland analyze the outcome of the Enquete Commission´s final report in respect of its relevance for the German resource policy.
News from Jul 17, 2013
The relevance of the Enquete Commission´s final report for the advancement of a resource policy is seen in several aspects: The Enquete argues that an absolute reduction of resource consumption is necessary. Therefore a policy that goes beyond resource efficiency is needed. it’s the Commission’s understanding of the term resources is much broader than the one used in the national resource efficiency strategy (ProgRess). The debate what a German pioneer role should look like and the need of a debate on sufficiency can be seen as further stimuli for the advancement of a resource policy.
The discussion paper is available (only in German) at the PolRess-Website (Outputs > AP5)