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Doctoral Subjects in the Department of Political and Social Sciences

According to the Dr. phil./Ph.D. Regulations of the Department of Political and Social Sciences, doctoral subjects are easily distinguishable scientific fields in which study programmes have been established and which are represented in teaching and research by at least one tenured member of department.

Based on the study programmes our department offers the following doctoral subjects are available:

  • in the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science
    Political Science
    International Relations
    Gender, Intersectionality and Politics
    Public Policy and Management
  • in the Institute of Sociology
    Sociology - European Societies
    Global Sociology
  • in the Institute for Media and Communication Studies
    Media and Communication Studies
    Media and Political Communication
    Media and Technology
  • in the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
    Social and Cultural Anthropology

The Dr. rer. pol./Ph.D. Regulations of the Department of Political and Social Sciences are currently valid solely for the doctoral subject Political Science. A new set of Dr. rer. pol./Ph.D. Regulations, which is in the process of being authorized will be valid for all doctoral subjects of the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science.