ICT for Sustainable Development (2014-2015)
The aim of the exploratory project “ICT-based local information and communication systems for sustainable development”, financed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, was to explore how information and communication technologies (ICTs) may improve local development projects and enhance their sustainability. By taking the example of an environmental project in The Gambia, the project examined how ICTs could serve to involve citizens in information and participation programs and how it could enhance their economic and environmental situation. Beyond this, the study served to ascertain further research questions and project opportunities in order to gather more reliable data about the capabilities of ICTs for development.
The exploratory project was part of an initiative by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, which was directed towards supporting and intensifying research collaborations between German and African countries in the field of ICTs. The cooperation with research facilities and NGOs in The Gambia and Kenya initiated a transfer of competence and knowledge in both directions, which will contribute to more efficient and sustainable development endeavors. Moreover, researchers from German and African academic and development institutions worked together in workshops both in Germany and Africa to discuss research questions and to develop future comparative projects on ICT use in western and developing countries.
Further information (in German):