European Journalism Fellowships
14195 Berlin
Welcome to the European Journalism-Fellowship programme at Freie Universität Berlin!
During the EJF programme year, the scholarship holders can spend an academic year in Berlin and work on an individual study project or a larger research project - detached from everyday journalistic life. The entire range of teaching and resources offered by Berlin's universities is available to them. At the same time, the programme enables an intensive exchange with professional colleagues. Weekly discussion groups, cultural events, excursions and a fact-finding trip through Germany complete the programme.
The European Journalism Fellowships are part of the Institute of Journalism and Communication Studies at the Free University of Berlin.
The European Journalist Fellowships co-operate with the following foundations:
Presse-Haus NRZ Foundation
Helsingin Sanomat Foundation
Heinrich Böll Foundation
Fazit Foundation
Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Cooperation with the European Journalism Observatory (EJO)
This EJO fellowship at the EJF (sponsor: Stiftung Presse-Haus NRZ) has a topic-specific focus: It is designed to observe current developments in journalism research in Germany and the rapidly changing landscape of journalism and media in Berlin.
Journalists from all over the world are eligible to apply. Public relations professionals, journalism academics and journalism lecturers can also apply.
Please consult the fact sheet & the guidelines in the Downloads section for further information on the programme requirements, practical issues (e.g. visa requirements if you are not from the european union) and the international student status at the university.