About the Institute
Executive Director
Deputy Executive Directors
Communication science at Freie Universität Berlin is dedicated to the various aspects of human and public communication. The institute’s research expertise is reflected by the various courses offered in the bachelor’s and master’s programs. Berlin as the German capital and home of many media organizations attracts a growing number of students yearly with its rich creative and international potential. Within the institute, eleven divisions apply different perspectives to the research of conditions, structures, processes, contents, and effects of mediated communication. The Center for Media and Information Literacy (CeMIL) is affiliated to the institute as an umbrella institution for initiatives in the field of media skills communication and further training in journalism. From 1995 to 2019, the International Center for Journalism, which made a significant contribution to the connection between theoretical and practical training in journalism, was also part of the Institute for Media and Communication Studies at the Free University of Berlin.
E-mail: institut@kommwiss.fu-berlin.de