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In our B.A. program “Media and Communication Studies” we offer - alongside our colleagues from the Journalism Studies division - an introductory lecture on journalism research and organizational communication. This lecture gives an overview of issues, theories, and empirical findings in the field of organizational communication and provides ground for subsequent advanced seminars. Within these introductory and advanced seminars we examine actors, circumstances, and activities of strategic organizational communication. Efforts are being made to provide our students with theoretically grounded knowledge that can be applied in professional life. This is especially the case for our practical exercises, for which we team up with communication practitioners to introduce students to the planning and implementation of communication programs.

Bachelor thesis: All necessary information you will find here.

In the master's program "Media and Political Communication" we tackle various forms of political communication management, such as campaign communication, communication in electoral campaigns, lobbying and public affairs and public diplomacy. Our seminars provide an overview of empirical and theoretical approaches towards political communication management, focusing on actors, processes and tools of strategic political communication. This is to enable students, both in normative and functional perspective, to analyze political communication management. Our research seminars focus on the analysis of particular forms of political communication, such as government communication in international comparison, the communication of political actors in crises, or public diplomacy.

Master thesis: All necessary information you will find here.

Final theses

An overview of the devision's final theses please find here.


  • Publizistik, Kommunikationswissenschaft, Publizistikwissenschaft, Massenkommunikation, Massenmedien, Journalismus, Medienforschung, Kommunikationsforschung, Informationswissenschaft