Emilija Gagrčin M. A.

Research Assistant in Research Group 13 "Digital Citizenship" until mid-September 2022
Teaching Assignments | |||
Winter Term 2020/ 21 | MÜ 28832(a) Methodological Rigour (Qualitätskriterien in qualitativer Forschung) (in cooperation with Nadja Schaetz) |
Gagrčin, E., Porten-Cheé, P. (forthcoming). Individual and Collective Social Effort: Ideals and Practices of Informed Citizenship in Different Information Environments. International Journal of Communication, 16(2022), 1–20.
Gagrčin, E. (2022). Your social ties, your personal public sphere, your responsibility: How users construe a sense of personal responsibility for intervention against uncivil comments on Facebook. New Media & Society, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448221117499
Gagrčin, E., Porten-Cheé, P., Leißner, L., Emmer, M., & Jørring, L. (2022). What Makes a Good Citizen Online? The Emergence of Discursive Citizenship Norms in Social Media Environments. Social Media + Society, 8(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1177/20563051221084297
Gagrčin, E., Schaetz, N., Rakowski, N., Toth, R., Renz, A., Vladova, G., Emmer, M. (2021). We and AI - Living in a Datafied World: Experiences & Attitudes of Young Europeans. Berlin: Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society - The German Internet Institute; Goethe-Institut e.V.. https://doi.org/10.34669/wi/1
Gagrcin, E. (2016). In Front Of Europe’s Door: Metaphors Of European Union In The Serbian Political Magazine Nedeljne Informativne Novine, in: Andrea Ratkovic (ed.), Percepcije drugog kao drugacijeg, Centar za afirmaciju slobodne misli, Srem. Karlovci.
SHARE Foundation (2016). Analysis of the online media and social media networks during the 2016 parliamentary elections in Serbia. Retrievable from: http://bit.ly/2dPgQ30 (June 17, 2019).
Conference Presentations
Gagrčin, E. (accepted). “Who, if not Me?”: How Civic Identities Shape Perceptions of Political Self-Expression as a Citizenship Norm. To be presented at the ECREA Conference, October 2022, Aarhus.
Gagrčin, E., Milzner, M., Emmer, M. (accepted). If “Everyone Is Responsible”, Why Won’t Everyone Intervene? The Role of Injunctive and Descriptive Norms in User Intervention against Incivility Online. To be presented at the ECREA Conference, October 2022, Aarhus.
Gagrčin, E. (2022). Not a Matter of Whether, but a Matter of How—Making (Normative) Sense of Expressive Citizenship. 72st ICA Annual Conference. May 26 – 30, 2022, Paris.
Gagrčin, E. (2022). Assigning Roles and Staging Intervention: Sanctioning Incivility in the Context of Socially Mediated Publicness. 72st ICA Annual Conference. May 26 – 30, 2022, Paris.
Schaetz, N., Gagrčin, E., Toth, R., Emmer, M. (2022). Comfortably concerned: The role of algorithm dependency and privacy concerns in platformized news consumption. 72st ICA Annual Conference. May 26 – 30, 2022, Paris.
Gagrčin, E. (2021). Nesting Citizenship Norms: Political Lifeworld and Normative Dimensions of Political Self-Expression among Young Citizens. ICA Political Communication PhD Pre-Conference. May 26, 2021, Virtual Conference.
Gagrčin, E., Porten-Cheé, P. (2021). Informed Citizenship Meets Information Disorder: Ideals and Practices in Different Information Environments. 71st ICA Annual Conference, May 27 – 31, Virtual Conference.
Gagrčin, E. (accepted). “Not to be forgotten, not to be repeated”: Lessons for the nation from 20 years of anniversary journalism on the NATO bombing of Serbia. Conference Communicating Memory Matters: Next Steps in the Study of Media Remembering and Communicative Commemoration.
Gagrčin, E., Porten-Cheé, P., Leißner, L., Emmer, M., Jørring, L. (2020). Checking, Contributing, Intervening: Social Media Use and the Emergence of New Citizenship Norms. 70th ICA Annual Conference. May 20 - 27, Virtual Conference.
Porten-Cheé, P., Jørring, L., Valentim, A., Leißner, L., & Emmer, M., & Gagrčin, E. (2019). Social media shaping good citizens: Citizenship norms and their consequences on political participation among heavy social media users. Social Media & Society Conference. July 19 - 21, Toronto.
Gagrčin, E. (2016). In Front of Europe’s Door: Metaphors of European Union in The Serbian Political Magazine Nedeljne Informativne Novine. Karlovački dan slobodne misli, June 3 - 5, Sremski Karlovci.
Invited Talks
Taking different roads towards shared goals: Complementarity of youth participation between institutions, streets, and social media platforms. Presentation. Training Course on AI literacy with young people “Supporting youth leaders and multipliers to address the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on young people’s lives and access to human rights”, Council of Europe. March 28, 2022, online.
Wie partizipert es sich in Europa? Ein Überblick und eine Einschätzung im Europäischen Jahr der Jugend. [How can one participate in Europe? An overview and an evaluation in the context of the European Year of Youth]. Lecture. Europäisches Integrationszentrum Rostock. February 26, 2022, online.
Discursive citizenship and its social ramifications. Lecture. Institute of Political Studies (IEP), University of Lausanne. December 16, 2021, online.
Young Europeans in a datafied world—Comfortably concerned? Keynote. When Machines Dream the Future Festival, Goethe Institute & German Hygiene Museum. November 14, 2021, Dresden.
Young Europeans in a datafied world: Digital encroachment and institutional distrust. Presentation. Envisions Workshop: Imagining new futures for AI, Feminist Internet & Goethe Institute. September 9, 2021, online.
WE&AI. Umfrage unter jungen Erwachsenen in Europa. [A survey among young adults in Europe]. Presentation and panel discussion. Lange Nacht der Ideen 2021 zur Auswärtigen Kultur- und Bildungspolitik [Long night of ideas 2021 on foreign cultural and educational policy]. June 7, 2021, online.
AI Governance: Spaces & Standards. A view from the Joint Council on Youth. Seminar Artificial Intelligence: How Can Youth Take Part?, Council of Europe, November 24, 2020, online.
European Convention on Human Rights: Young People and Active Citizenship. Commemoration event “European Convention on Human Rights – 70 years of advancing human rights”, EU-CoE Partnership & Rectorate of the University of Belgrade. November 4, 2020, online.
Demokratische Kultur für das digitale Zeitalter (Democratic Culture for the Digital Age). Symposium on the German Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers (November 2020 to May 2021). Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik - German Institute for International and Security Affairs. September 28, 2020, Berlin.
Normalization of big data narratives and ways forward for the youth sector – Closing remarks. Consultative Meeting on Artificial Intelligence and Youth Work, Council of Europe. December 6, 2019, Strasbourg.
Youth work as a foundation of active citizenship in Europe - Opening speech. Edu4Europe: Forum on Education for European democratic citizenship, EU-CoE youth partnership. November 19, 2019, Strasbourg.