Christian Strippel

Research Assistant
Projects NOHATE and Research Group 13 "Digital Citizenship"
Scientific Positions |
09.2017 – 10.2017 |
Affiliate scholar at Department of Communication, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at University of Illinois, Chicago, IL (USA) |
since 01.2015 |
Researcher in the research project "The Convergence of Television and Internet in Production and Usage" at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies of Freie Universität Berlin |
09.2014 – 10.2014 |
Affiliate scholar at School of Media & Public Affairs, Columbian College of Arts & Sciences at George Washington University, Washington, DC (USA) |
01.2012 – 03.2015 |
Researcher at Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Freie Universität Berlin |
04.2011 – 12.2011 |
Research Assistant at Department of Communication, Münster University |
03.2011 |
Master Degree, Thesis on "Journalism and Law. How do law studies and journalism differ in working on jurisprudential questions?" (Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Frank Marcinkowski, Prof. Dr. Thomas Gutmann) |
10.2010 – 03.2011 |
Student Assistant at Department of Communication, Münster University |
10.2005 – 03.2011 |
Studies in Communication Studies, Psychology and Political Science, Münster University |
Courses |
winter 2017 |
S 28813 Hate Speech in Sozialen Medien [Hate Speech in Social Media] |
winter 2016 |
S 28627 Neue Formen des Fernsehens [New forms of Television] |
winter 2014 |
28601 S Konvergenz von Fernsehen und Internet [Convergence of Television and Internet] (with Martin Emmer) |
winter 2013 |
28514 S Einführung in die Online-Forschung [Introduction to online research] 28601 S Potenziale der Online-Partizipation für NGOs [Potentials of online participation for NGOs] (with Martin Emmer) |
winter 2012 |
28553 PS Empirische Kommunikationsforschung [Empirical communication research] 28516 S Klassiker der Kommunikationstheorie [Classics in communication theory] |
summer 2012 |
28554 PS Empirische Kommunikationsforschung [Empirical communication research] |
Seminar papers and Bachelor/Master theses |
winter 2016 |
Supervision and review: "Medium für den Augenblick? Snapchat als journalistisches Werkzeug [Medium for the moment? Snapchat as a journalistic tool]" (Bachelor thesis of Frederike Lichtenstein) Supervision and review: "'Schon gehört?' Musikentdeckungsverhalten junger Menschen im Zeitalter der digitalen Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie [Already heard about it? How youngsters find music in the era of digital attention economy]" (Bachelor thesis of Stefanie Tendler) Supervision and review: "Fifty Shades of Data: Systematisierung eines unscharfen Begriffs [Fifty Shades of Data: systematization of an unclear term]" (Bachelor thesis of Ilja Sperling) |
summer 2016 |
Supervision and review: "Das Web 2.0 im Crowdfunding: Von der Freiheitsstatue zu explodierenden Katzen [The Web 2.0 in Crwodfunding: from Statue of Liberty to exploding cats]" (Bachelor thesis of Fan Ye) Supervision and review: "'Der Zuschauer wird Programmdirektor' – Zukunftsaussagen in der öffentlichen Kommunikation über Medientechnologie: Eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse am Beispiel nicht-linearer Bewegtbildtechnik ['The audience becomes the director' – predictions of media technology in public discourse: a qualitative content analysis on the example of linear moving image content]" (Master thesis of Nicolas Heintz) |
winter 2015 |
Review: "Nicht ohne mein Handy! – Folge der parallelen Smartphone-Nutzung auf Face-to-Face Kommunikationssituationen [Not without my phone! – Effects of parallel smartphone use on face-to-face-situations]" (Master thesis of Antonia Hanney) Supervision and review: "Video-on-Demand-Anbieter in Deutschland – Ein Vergleich aus medienökonomischer Perspektive [Video on demand provider in Germany – a comparison from media economic perspective]" (Bachelor thesis of Fabian Lebus) Review: "Interaktivität vs. Partizipation? Grenzen und Möglichkeiten interaktiven Fernsehens für Fernsehsender [Interactivity vs. participation? Boarders and possibilities of interactive television for TV stations]" (Bachelor thesis of Alina Kleineidam) Review: "Phubbing – Analyse normverletzenden Verhaltens [Phubbing – an analysis of norm violating behavior]" (Master thesis of Louisa-Marie Kölzer) |
summer 2015 |
Review: "Zwischen gutem Zweck und Mediengeilheit: Motive zur Teilnahme an viralen (Spenden-)Kampagnen am Beispiel der Ice Bucket Challange [Between good aims and media hype: motives to participate in viral (donation) campaigns on the example of the ice bucket challange]" (Master thesis of Melanie Neumann) Review: "Skandal 2.0? Eine empirische Analyse virtueller Empörungsstürme auf Basis der Skandalisierungsforschung [Scandal 2.0? An empirical analysis of virtual shit storms on the basis of scandal research]" (Master thesis von Linda Brandes) Review: "Filmindustrie und 'digitale Piraterie' [Film industry and 'digital piracy']" (Bachelor thesis of Alena Kanojka) |
winter 2014 |
Supervision and review: "Interpersonale Online-Kommunikation zwischen Unbekannten. Mediennutzung am Beispiel 'Tinder' [Interpersonal online communication between strangers: media use on the example of Tinder]" (Master thesis of Rosina Bischur) Review: "Politisches Internet-Mem in der Wahlkampfkommunikation [Political Internet memes in election campaigns]" (Bachelor Thesis of Kalina Drenska) Review: "Medial erzeugte Attributionen italienischer Migranten zur europäischen Stabilitätspolitik der deutschen Regierung unter Angela Merkel [Media attributions of Italian migrants towards the austerity policy of the German government of Angela Merkel]" (Bachelor Thesis of Ricarda Mang) |
summer 2014 |
Review: "Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation in Entwicklungszusammenhängen. Nachhaltigkeit durch Partizipation: die Relevanz von Grassroots-Initiativen in Kommunikationsstrategien für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in 'Entwicklungsländern' [Sustainability communication in the context of development policy. Sustainability by participation: the relevance of grassroot initiatives for a sustainable development in 'developing countries']" (Bachelor Thesis of Anna-Maria Goldberg) |
summer 2013 |
Review: "Welcome to Utopia? Die Potentiale der netzbasierten Kommunikation in Hinblick auf die Prinzipien Gleichheit und Reziprozität des normativen Öffentlichkeitsideals [Welcome to utopia? Potentials of networked communication concerning the principles of equality and reciprocity in the normative model of public sphere]" (Bachelor Thesis of Sylvie Kremerskothen) |
since winter 2012 |
Review of more than 60 seminar papers |
Further trainig |
07.2017 |
Intersectionality in Teaching (Prof. Dr. Urmila Goel, Kathleen Heft) |
08.2014 |
Teaching to Read: Dealing with Texts in Courses (Dr. Anne Cornelia Kenneweg) |
06.2014 |
Learning by Doing Research in Teaching (Dr. Stefan Brall) |
02.2014 |
Scientific Writing and Written Thinking in Teaching (Dipl.-Psych. Ulrike Scheuermann) |
08.2013 |
Learning to Teach I and II (Dr. Bettina Ritter-Mamczek) |
06.2012 |
Course Evaluation – and what then? (Ann Kathrin Nitschke) |
04.2012 |
How to Advise Students (Dr. Elke Bohnacker) Teaching in English (Betty Boden) |
Research Projects |
09.2015 – 02.2016 |
Automated measurement of digital media use by individuals (Funding: Freie Universität Berlin; Project Management: Prof. Dr. Martin Emmer & Prof. Dr. Lutz Prechelt) |
since 01.2015 |
Setup and supervision of the CATI studio for social science surveys at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies |
since 01.2015 |
"Convergence of Television and Internet in Production and Usage" (Funding: DFG; Project Management: Prof. Dr. Martin Emmer & Prof. Dr. Joachim Trebbe) |
01.2012 – 06.2014 |
Citations and references in the German speaking communication studies |
since 10.2011 |
Media congruence and democratic performance (with Prof. Dr. Frank Marcinkowski) |
04.2008 – 02.2009 |
Competition and quality of news coverage (Project Management: Prof. Dr. Frank Marcinkowski) |
10.2007 – 03.2008 |
WebMigration – Political potential of the Internet for new and established opinion leaders of the German-Turkish diaspora in Germany (with Esra Küçük und Hannes Kunstreich) |
Emmer, M., & Strippel, C. (Eds.). (2015). Kommunikationspolitik für die digitale Gesellschaft [Communications Policy for the Digital Society] (= Digital Communication Research, vol. 1). Berlin.
Articles in Scientific Journals
Paasch-Colberg, Sünje/ Strippel, Christian/ Emmer, Martin/ Trebbe, Joachim (2021): From Insult to Hate Speech: Mapping Offensive Language in German User Comments on Immigration. Media & Communication, 9(1).
Filipović, A., Klaus, E., & Strippel, C. (2016). Der Ethik-Kodex der DGPuK. Erläuterungen aus Anlass des Beitrags von Rudolf Stöber in M&K 4/2015 [The Code of Ethics of the German Communication Association. Response to the article by Rudolf Stöber in M&K 4/2015]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 64(1), 93–108. doi: 10.5771/1615-634X-2016-1-93
Domahidi, E., & Strippel, C. (2014). Internationalisierung und Journalisierung der deutschen Kommunikationswissenschaft? Eine Analyse der Artikel und Zitationen aus 50 Jahren Publizistik und Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft [Internationalization and Journalization of German Communication Science? An analysis of scientific articles and citations from 50 years of Publizistik and Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft]. Studies in Communication | Media 4(1), 64–100. (Extended Abstract, english)
Küçük, E., Kunstreich, H., & Strippel, C. (2008). Explorative Studie: WebMigration. Wie deutsch-türkische Meinungsführer das Internet für sich gewinnen [Explorative study: WebMigration. How German-Turkish opinion leaders win over the internet]. Navigationen. Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft, 8(2), 93–108.
Papers in Edited Volumes
Strippel, C. (2017). Praktiken der Second-Screen-Nutzung. Konzeptioneller Rahmen für die Analyse der Parallelnutzung von zwei Bildschirmen [Practices of second screen use. Conceptional frame for the parallel use of two screens]. In U. Göttlich, L. Heinz, & M. R. Herbers (Eds.), Ko-Orientierung in der Medienrezeption. Praktiken der Second-Screen-Nutzung [Co-Orientation in media reception. Practices of second screen use] (pp. 107-136). Wiesbaden: Springer.
Strippel, C. (2016). „Rettungsfolter“ in der Diskussion: Ein Vergleich der öffentlichen und juristischen Kommunikation über Rechtsfragen [Ticking time bomb scenario: A comparison of the public and the juristic communication of questions of law]. In P. Werner, L. Rinsdorf, T. Pleil, & K.-D. Altmeppen (Eds.), Verantwortung – Gerechtigkeit – Öffentlichkeit. Normative Perspektiven auf Kommunikation [Accountability – fairness – public shere. Normative perspectives on communication] (pp. 109–123). Konstanz: UVK.
Emmer, M., & Strippel, C. (2015). Stichprobenziehung für Online-Inhaltsanalysen: Suchmaschinen und Filter-Bubbles [Sampling for online content analyses: search engines and filter bubbles]. In A. Maireder, J. Ausserhofer, C. Schumann, & M. Taddicken (Eds.), Digitale Methoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [Digital Methods in Communication Science] (pp. 275–300). doi: 10.17174/dcr.v2.12
Strippel, C., & Emmer, M. (2015). Proxy-Logfile-Analyse: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der automatisierten Messung individueller Online-Nutzung [Proxy logfile analyses: Possibilities and limits of automated measurements of individual internet use]. In O. Hahn, R. Hohlfeld, & T. Knieper (Eds.), Digitale Öffentlichkeit(en) [Digital public sphere(s)] (pp. 85–103). Konstanz: UVK.
Emmer, M., & Strippel, C. (2015). Kommunikationspolitik und Medienregulierung im digitalen Wandel [Communication policy and media regulation during digital transition]. In M. Emmer & C. Strippel (Eds.), Kommunikationspolitik für die digitale Gesellschaft [Communications Policy for the Digital Society] (pp. 13–20). doi: 10.17174/dcr.v1.2
Strippel, C. (2013). Das soziale Fernsehen. Formen, Chancen und Herausforderungen [The social television. Forms, opportunities and challenges]. In ALM (Hrsg.), Programmbericht 2012. Fernsehen in Deutschland. Programmforschung und Programmdiskurs [Content report 2012. TV in Germany. Research and discourse] (S. 193–197). Berlin: Vistas.
Strippel, C. (2017). Schmidt, Jan-Hinrik, Taddicken, Monika (Hrsg.): Handbuch Soziale Medien Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2017. Publizistik, 62(4), 531-533. doi: 10.1007/s11616-017-0373-1
Strippel, C. (2017). Rezension: Dominik Rudolph: YouTube und Fernsehen: Konkurrenz oder Ergänzung [YouTube and television: competitive or complementary]? rezensionen:kommunikation:medien, reveived from:
Strippel, C. (2016). Rezension: Goldhammer, Klaus, Kerkau, Florian, Matejka, Moritz und Jan Schlüter: Social TV. Aktuelle Nutzung, Prognosen, Konsequenzen [Social TV. Current use, forecasts, consequences]. Leipzig: Vistas 2015 (= Schriftenreihe Medienforschung der Landesanstalt für Medien Nordrhein-Westfalen; Bd. 76). Publizistik, 61(4), 469-471. doi: 10.1007/s11616-016-0289-1
Strippel, C. (2014). Rezension: Katrin Weller / Axel Bruns / Jean Burgess / Merja Mahrt / Cornelius Puschmann (eds.) (2014). Twitter and Society. New York: Peter Lang. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 62(2), 305–306.
Strippel, C. (2014). Rezension: Dhiraj Murthy (2013): Twitter. Social Communication in the Twitter-Age. Cambridge: Polity Press. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft 62(1), 110–111.
Other Publications
Bock, A., Borucki, I., Sommer, D., & Strippel, C. (2017). Promotionsverfahren in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [Doctoral studies in communication science]. Aviso, (64), 2-3.
Strippel, C., & Domahidi, E. (2016). Internationalisierung in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [Internationalization in communication science]. Aviso, (63), 2-3.
Bock, A., & Strippel, C. (2016). DGPuK-Nachwuchsarbeit: Blick zurück und Blick nach vorn [Young scholars in the German Communication Association: Looking back and forth]. Aviso, (63), 19.
Filipović, A., Klaus, E., & Strippel, C. (2016). Die DGPuK hat einen neuen Ethik-Codex. Neu formulierte Paragraphen als Reaktion auf aktuelle Entwicklungen [The new code of ethics of the German Communication Association. Reformulated paragraphs in response to current developments]. Aviso, (62), 19.
Fehr, A., & Strippel, C. (2015). Viel positives Feedback. Erfolgreicher Nachwuchstag in Berlin [A lot of positive feedback. Successful conference of young scholars in Berlin]. Aviso, (60), 19.
Bock, A., Borucki, I., Sommer, D., & Strippel, C. (2015). Ein Jahr intensiver Arbeit. DGPuK-Arbeitsgruppe analysiert Qualifikationswege im Fach [One year of intensive work. Working Group analyzes doctoral studies in communication science]. Aviso, (60), 16.
Emmer, M., & Strippel, C. (2015). FG Kommunikation und Politik & FG Computervermittelte Kommunikation: "Kommunikationspolitik und Medienregulierung in der digitalen Gesellschaft", 6.-8. Februar 2014, Berlin [Divisions "Communication and Politics" and "Computer-mediated communication": "Communication policy and media regulation in the digital society", February, 6.–8. 2014, Berlin.]. Aviso, (59), 14.
Strippel, C. (2013). Unsicherheiten begegnen. Perspektiven für die propädeutische Aus- und Weiterbildung [Facing uncertainties. Perspectives for propaedeutic education and training]. Aviso, (57), 8–9.
Marcinkowski, F., & Strippel, C. (2013). The Press and Urban Politics. Measuring the effects of media structures on political performance in German municipalities. Paper presented at the 43rd Annual Conference of the Urban Affairs Association, San Francisco, CA. Abstract retrievable from
Strippel, C. (2010). Piratenpartei Deutschland. Internet-Dossier Parteien der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung [Pirate Party Germany. Internet dossier parties of the Federal Center for Political Education], Bonn. (depublished 4/2012)
Talks and Presentations
Strippel, C. (2017). Convergence of television and internet: Insights into recent research. Speech at the Department of Communication der University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), September 27, 2017, Chicago, IL
Paasch-Colberg, S., & Strippel, C. (2017). Hate Speech in Germany: the dynamics of online discussions in social media and comment sections about refugees and immigration. Speech at the Department of Communication der University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), September 20, 2017, Chicago, IL.
Strippel, C. (2017). Response auf Alexander Ruser zu "Einflüsse auf Reputation und Karriere" [Response to Alexander Ruser on "Influences on Reputation and Career"]. Pre-Conference to the 61st annual meeting of the German Communication Association, Düsseldorf.
Strippel, C., & Fehr, A. (2016). The complexity of media multitasking: How viewers distribute their attention between first and second screen. "Mediated (Dis)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Futures", 6th ECREA European Communication Conference, Prag. [presentation]
Strippel, C. (2016). „Wenn abends nichts im Fernsehen kommt...“: Sequenzielle Medienauswahl zwischen linearem Fernsehen und On-Demand-Angeboten im Internet ["If there is nothing on TV this evening...": Sequential media selection between linear TV and on demand services]. Annual meeting of the division "Digital Communication" of the German Communication Association, Brunswick.
Strippel, C. (2016). "Dear participants…" – Video Messages in Online Surveys and Diary Studies. 18th Annual Conference of the Methods Division of the German Communication Association, Amsterdam.
Bock, A., Borucki, I., Sommer, D., & Strippel, C. (2016). Promotionsverfahren im deutschsprachigen Raum. Ergebnisse der Arbeitsgruppe 'Promotion und Habilitation' [Doctoral programs in German-speaking countries. Results of the working group 'Doctorate and Habilitation'] (special panel). 60th annual meeting of the German Communication Association, Leipzig.
Strippel, C., & Fehr, A. (2016). Zuschauereinbindung im deutschen Fernsehen [Audience participation on German TV]. Pre-Conference to the 60th annual meeting of the German Communication Association, Leipzig.
Dötsch, M., & Strippel, C. (2016). Konvergente Fernsehnutzung als Herausforderung für die Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung [Converged TV use as a challenge for research on media reception and effects] (Workshop). Annual meeting of the division "Media Reception and Effects" of the German Communication Association, Amsterdam.
Strippel, C., Fehr, A., & Keiner, A. (2015). Verteilte Aufmerksamkeit: Formen des Umgangs mit Komplexität während der Second-Screen-Nutzung [Distributed attention: forms of dealing with complexity during second-screen use]. Annual meeting of the divisions "Computer-mediated Communication" and "Sociology of Media and Communication" of the German Communication Association, Berlin.
Bischur, R., & Strippel, C. (2015). Doppelte Kontingenz Online: Der Umgang mit Komplexität am Beispiel der Dating-App Tinder [Double contingency online: Dealing with complexity on the example of the dating app Tinder]. Annual meeting of the divisions "Computer-mediated Communication" and "Sociology of Media and Communication" of the German Communication Association, Berlin.
Strippel, C., & Emmer, M. (2015). Audience Involvement in German TV programs. Annual meeting of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, Montréal.
Strippel, C., Fehr, A., & Keiner, A. (2015). Besonderheiten der Second-Screen-Nutzung [Specifics of second screen use]. Workshop of the research project "Mediatised media reception" in SPP 1505 "Mediatized Worlds", Friedrichshafen.
Strippel, C. (2015). "Rettungsfolter" in der Diskussion. Ein Vergleich der öffentlichen und juristischen Kommunikation über Rechtsfragen [Ticking time bomb scenario: A comparison of the public and the juristic communication of questions of law]. 60th annual meeting of the German Communication Association, Darmstadt.
Strippel, C., & Marcinkowski, F. (2014). Newspaper Competition and Congruence in Geman Municipalities: Which Kind of Media Environment Serves Democratic Accountability Best? "Communication for Empowerment – Citizens, Markets, Innovations", 5th ECREA European Communication Conference, Lisbon.
Strippel, C., & Emmer, M. (2014). Proxy- und VPN-Logfiles – Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen der automatisierten Messung individueller Internetnutzung [Proxy and VPN logfiles – Possibilities and challenges of the automated measurement of individual internet use]. 59th annual meeting of the German Communication Association, Passau.
Emmer, M., & Strippel, C. (2014). Das TV-Duell auf dem Second Screen [The TV debate on second screen]. 59th annual meeting of the German Communication Association, Passau.
Strippel, C., & Emmer, M. (2013). Logfile‐Analyse als Instrument der Online‐Nutzungsmessung [Logfile analysis as an instrument of online use measurement]. Annual meeting of the division "Computer-mediated Communication" of the German Communication Association, Vienna.
Emmer, M., & Strippel, C. (2013). Die (Un‐)Möglichkeit der Ziehung von Inhaltsanalyse‐Stichproben in der digitalen Welt [The (im)possibilities of samplig for online content analysis]. Annual meeting of the division "Computer-mediated Communication" of the German Communication Association, Vienna.
Domahidi, E., & Strippel, C. (2013). Zitationen und Verweise aus 50 Jahren Publizistik und M&K [Citations and references from 50 years of Publizistik and M&K. 58th annual meeting of the German Communication Association, Mainz.
Marcinkowski, F., & Strippel, C. (2013). Local Media and Politics in Germany: Measuring the Effects of Press Coverage on Political Accountability in Municipalities. 43rd Conference of the Urban Affairs Association (UAA), San Francisco.
Strippel, C. (2013). Kommunikationsmodi und Medienrahmen. Mediennutzung aus kommunikationstheoretischer Perspektive [Communication modes and media frames. Media usage from a communication theory perspective]. Workshop for doctoral students of the German Society for Online Research (DGOF) and the division "Computer-mediated Communication" of the German Communication Association at the 15th General Online Research Conference, Mannheim, Germany.
Marcinkowski, F., & Strippel, C. (2012). Kommunale Medienstrukturen und politische Performanz [Communal media structures and political performance]. 57th annual meeting of the German Communication Association, Berlin.