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Lukas Benedikt Hoffmann

Lukas Benedikt Hoffmann
Image Credit: Djamila Heß

Division Media Use Research

Institute for Media and Communication Studies

Department of Political and Social Sciences


Research and Teaching

Garystr. 55
Room 168
14195 Berlin
+ 49 30 838 4 61381

Office hours

Consultation Hours during Summer Term 2024:

Wednesdays, 01:15 - 02:45 p. m., upon request via e-mail

Winter Term 2024/ 25 (Preview):

  • PS 28593 Daten-Journalismus: Sport (Lukas Hoffmann + Tong-Jin Smith)
  • PS 28594 Daten-Journalismus: Migration (Lukas Hoffmann + Tong-Jin Smith)

Summer Term 2024:

Winter Term 2023/ 24:

Research Interests:

  • Political Communication
  • Flight and Migration
  • Media Use Research
  • Computational Methods

Journal Articles

Goldberg, A. C., & Hoffmann, L. B. (2024). Peoples’ perspectives on the ‘Future of EUrope’ – A comparative study from within and beyond the European Union. European Union Politics25(1), 151-172. https://doi.org/10.1177/14651165231214415


Bürgel, C., Buttgereit, L., Helsper, S., Hoffmann, L. B., Horn, M., Jochims, N., Nissen, R. & Roßdeutscher, J. (2019): Medialer Wandel und gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt [Medial Change and Social Cohesion]. Frank & Timme Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-3-7329-0596-6.

Conference Papers

Goldberg, A., Hoffmann, L. B. (2022, 23-25 Juni): Peoples’ perspectives on the "Future of EUrope’ – a comparative study from within and beyond the EU [Conference paper]. 12th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA), Prague, Czech Republic.

Other Publications

Lukas B. Hoffmann & Andreas C. Goldberg (2024). What kind of "EUrope" do Europeans want? European Politics and Policy by London School of Economicshttps://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2024/01/29/what-kind-of-europe-do-europeans-want/

Schmidtke, F., Hoffmann, L. B. (2021): Ich trau mich nicht mehr auf die Straße“ – Neonazistischer Alltag im Erfurter Herrenberg und seine Bekämpfung. ["I don't dare go out on the street anymore" - Neo nazism in everyday life in Erfurt's Herrenberg and how to fight it]. In: Institut für Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaft [Eds.]: Wissen schafft Demokratie. Schwerpunkt Demokratiegefährdungen in der Coronakrise, Vol. 9. Jena, S. 98–107. https://doi.org/10.19222/202102/10


  • Awardee of the HORIZONT Award 2019 of the HORIZONT Foundation and dfv Mediengruppe for the co-authorship of the study "Medialer Wandel und gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt" [Medial Change and Social Cohesion].
  • Communication Science Research Master degree at the University of Amsterdam with distinction