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Dr. Julia Lück-Benz

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Image Credit: Tim Gassauer

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Institute for Media and Communication Studies

Division Media Analysis/ Research Methods

Research Associate with a Special Focus on Teaching

Garystr. 55
Room 173
14195 Berlin
+49 30 838 – 65322

Office hours

Tuesdays, 02:00 - 04:00 p. m., upon request via e-mail

Zur Person


Since May 2021

Research Associate with a special focus on teaching at the Division Media Analysis/ Research Methods of the Institute for Media and Communcation Studies of Freie Universität Berlin


Doctoral Degree, Media and Communication Studies, Universität Mannheim

  • Topic of the Dissertation: "Journalistic Narrations for Deliberative Ends: A Country Comparison of Narrative News and their Contribution to the Deliberative Quality of Mediated Debates on Climate Change"


Since September 2016

Research Assistant and Associate at the Journalistic Seminar of Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

March 2012 – August 2016

Research Assistant at Universität Mannheim, Seminar for Media and Communication Studies and the Mannheimer Center for European Social Research (MZES), DFG Project "Nachhaltige Medienevents? Produktion und diskursive Wirkung globaler inszenierter politischer Medienevents am Beispiel des Klimawandels"

2009 - 2012

Master Degree, Media and Communication Studies, Universität Mannheim

  • Elective Module: Political Science
  • Topic of the Master Thesis: "Medienevent Klimagipfel: Zum journalistischen Beitrag bei der Herstellung einer transnationalen Öffentlichkeit"

2006 – 2009

Bachelor Degree, Media and Communication Studies, Universität Mannheim, 2009

Minor in Macroeconomics




  • International Communication Association (ICA) - Expert Group: Journalism, Political Communication, Environmental Communication
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikations-wissenschaft (DGPuK) - Expert Groups: Kommunikation und Politik, Journalistik/ Journalismusforschung, Internationale undinterkulturelleKommunikation

Courses during Winter Term 2024/ 25 (Preview):

  • S 28627 Automatisierte Inhaltsanalyse und Podcasts 1
  • S 28628 Automatisierte Inhaltsanalyse und Podcasts 2
  • MÜ 28832(a) Experiment
  • MÜ 28833(a) Datenanalyse mit R

Courses during Summer Term 2024:

Courses during Winter Term 2023/ 24:

Courses during Summer Term 2023:

Courses during Winter Term 2022/ 23:

Courses during Summer Term 2022:

Courses during Winter Term 2021/ 22:

Courses during Summer Term 2021:

Research Focus:

  • International Comparative Political Communication
  • Transnational Communication
  • Public Sphere and Deliberation
  • Diversity in Journalism
  • Data Journalism

Scientific Publications and Presentations

Journal Articles:
2021 Wozniak, A., Wessler, H., Chan, H., & Lück, J. (2021). The Event-Centered Nature of Global Public Spheres: The UN Climate Change Conferences, Fridays for Future, and the (Limited) Transnationalization of Media Debates. International Journal of Communication 15, 1–27. doi: 1932–8036/20210005
2020 Lück, J., Schultz, T., Simon, F., Borchardt, A., & Kieslich, S. (2020). Diversity in British, Swedish, and German Newsrooms: Problem Awareness, Measures, and Achievements. Journalism Practice, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1080/17512786.2020.1815073
2019 Lück, J. & Schultz, T. (2019). Investigative Data Journalism in a Globalized World. A Survey Study on ICIJ Journalists. Journalistik, 2(2), 93-114. doi: 10.1453/2569-152X-22019-9858-en.
Lück, J., & Nardi, C. (2019). Incivility in User Comments on Online News Articles: Investigating the Role of Opinion Dissonance for the Effects of Incivility on Attitudes, Emotions and the Willingness to Participate. SCM Studies in Communication and Media, 8(3), 311–337. https://doi.org/10.5771/2192-4007-2019-3-311.
2018 Lück, J., Wessler, H., Maia, R. C. M., & Wozniak, A. (2018). Journalist-source relations and the deliberative system: A network performance approach to investigating journalism’s contribution to facilitating public deliberation in a globalized world. International Communication Gazette. doi:10.1177/1748048518754378
2016 Lück, J., Wessler, H., Wozniak, A., & Lycariao, D. (2016). Counterbalancing global media frames with nationally colored narratives: A comparative study of news narratives and news framing in the climate change coverage of five countries. Journalism. doi: 10.1177/1464884916680372
Wessler, H., Wozniak, A., Hofer, L., Lück, J. (2016). Global multimodal news frames on climate change. A comparison of five democracies around the world. International Journal of Press/Politics 21(4), 423–445. doi:10.1177/1940161216661848
Wozniak, A., Wessler, H., & Lück, J. (2016). Who prevails in the visual framing contest about the United Nations Climate Change Conferences? Journalism Studies, 1-20. doi: 10.1080/1461670X.2015.1131129
2015 Lück, J., Wozniak, A., & Wessler, H. (2015). Networks of coproduction: How journalists and environmental NGOs create common interpretations of the UN Climate Change Conferences. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 21(1), 25–47. doi:10.1177/1940161215612204
2014 Wozniak, A., Lück, J. & Wessler, H. (2014). Frames, stories, and images: The advantages of a multimodal approach in comparative media content research on climate change. Environmental Communication, 1-22. doi: 10.1080/17524032.2014.981559
2012 Adolphsen, M. & Lück, J. (2012). Non-routine interactions behind the scenes of a global media event: How journalists and political PR professionals coproduced the 2010 UN climate conference in Cancún. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, Sonderband “Grenzüber­schreitende Kommunikation”, herausgegeben von H. Wessler und S. Averbeck-Lietz.
Book Chapters:

Rothenberger, L., Lück-Benz, J., & Schultz, T. (2023). Topics in Cross-Border Journalism. In L. Rothenberger, M. Löffelholz, & D. H. Weaver (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Cross-Border Journalism (pp. 199–217). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-23023-3_13

2020 Lück, J., & Boczek, K. (2020). Statistik in der akademischen Journalist*innen-Ausbildung. In J. Schützeneder, K. Meier, N. Springer, & Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Publizistik- Und Kommunikations-wissenschaft E.V. (Eds.), Neujustierung der Journalistik/ Journalismusforschung in der digitalen Gesellschaft: Proceedings zur Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Journalistik/ Journalismusforschung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft 2019, Eichstätt (pp. 105–116). Eichstätt: SSOAR - GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. https://doi.org/10.21241/SSOAR.70827
2017 Wessler, H., Lück, J., Wozniak, A. (2017). Communication, negotiation, and influence at international climate change meetings and summits. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science.
Lück, J., Wessler, H., Wozniak, A. (2017). Journalistische Narrative in der Klimaberichterstattung: Eine vergleichende Inhaltsanalyse zur Identifikation und Erklärung journalistischer Erzählungen in Zeitungsnachrichten. In M. Beiler & B. Bigl (eds.), 100 Jahre Kommunikationswissenschaft. Von einem Spezialfach zur Integrationsdisziplin (pp. 333-347). Konstanz: UVK.
Lück, J. (2017). Nachhaltig kommunizieren: Gestaltungsimpulse für die Naturbewusstseinsforschung aus kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Sicht. In J. Rückert-John (Ed.), Gesellschaftliche Naturkonzeptionen. Ansätze verschiedener Wissenschaftsdisziplinen (pp. 195–213). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden; Imprint: Springer VS.
2013 Lück, J., Davidkova, M., & Willhauck, B. (2013). Punk goes Elektro, goes Web 2.0: Deutschsprachiger Elektropunk seit den 2000er Jahren. In P. Meinert & M. Seeliger (Hg.), Cultural Studies: Vol. 44. Punk in Deutschland. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven (S. 225-245). Bielefeld: transcript.
2011 Lück, J. (2011). Friedensmission oder Kriegseinsatz? Indexing und Framing der Afghanistanberichterstattung von 2001 bis 2008 in der Tagesschau der ARD. In J. Haschke & A. Moser (Hg,), Politik - Deutsch, Deutsch - Politik, Aktuelle Trends und Forschungsergebnisse: Beiträge zur 6. Fachtagung des DFPK, Düsseldorfer Forum Politische Kommunikation (S.223-244). Berlin: Frank&Timme.
2010 Rinke, E. M. & Lück, J. (2010). Cognitive style, selectivity, and reinforcement: Toward clarifying the role of political ideology in the reception of political communication. In K. Mok & M. Stahl (Hg.), Politische Kommunikation heute: Beiträge des 5. Düsseldorfer Forums Politische Kommunikation (S. 219-234). Berlin: Frank & Timme.
2022 Lück-Benz, J. (2022). Statistik für Journalist:innen: Grundlagen und Praxis. UVK Verlag.
2018 Lück, J. (2018). Journalistic Narrations for Deliberative Ends: A Country Comparison of Narrative News and Its Contribution to the Deliberative Quality of Mediated Debates on Climate Change (Dissertation). Universität Mannheim, Mannheim: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:180-madoc-451452
Research Reports:
2019 Borchardt, A., Lück, J., Kieslich, S., Schultz, T., & Simon, F. (2019). Are Journalists Today’s Coal Miners?: The Struggle for Talent and Diversity in Modern Newsrooms – A Study on Journalists in Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Project report. https://www.telekom-stiftung.de/sites/default/files/files/media/publications/Talent-and-Diversity-in-the-Media-Report.pdf
2019 Lück, J., Borchardt, A., Kieslich, S., Schultz, T., & Simon, F. (2019). Influences on Newsroom Diversity in Times of Media Crisis: A Comparative Analysis of UK, Germany, and Sweden. Speech at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Washington D.C., USA, May 24 - 28
Wozniak, A., Wessler, H., & Lück, J. (2019). The episodic nature of global public spheres: The UN Climate Change Conferences and the transnationalization of media debates. Speech at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Washington D.C., USA, May 24 - 28
2018 Lück, J., & Schultz, T. (2018). Enhanced Transnationalization Through Investigative Journalistic Networks? A Survey Study on ICIJ Journalists. Speech at the Common Annual Conference „Journalism Across Borders“ of the Expert Groups “Journalismusforschung“ and „Internationale und Interkulturelle Kommunikation“ of the DGPuK. Ilmenau, 26. - 28. September.
Lück. J. (2018). Deliberative quality of narrative news: Evaluations cased on a standardized content analysis of Brazilian, German and US newspaper coverage on climate change. Poster Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Prague, Czech Republic, June 24 - 28
Lück, J. (2018). Deliberative Qualität narrativer Nachrichten: Ein Vergleich der Klimaberichterstattung zwischen Brasilien, Deutschland und den USA.  Speech at the Common Annual Conference of the Expert Group "Kommunikation und Politik" of the DGPuK, the Arbeitskreis "Politik und Kommunikation" of the DVPW and the Expert Group "Politische Kommunikation" of the SGKM on the topic ´"Politische Kommunikation in und über Krisen", Fribourg, Switzerland, February 8 - 10
2016 Lück, J., & Nardi, C.(2016). Incivility in user comments on online news articles: Investigating the role of opinion dissonance for the effects of incivility on attitudes, emotions and the willingness to participate. Speech at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka, Japan, June 10 - 13 
Lück, J., Wessler, H., & Wozniak, A. (2016). National narratives within a global media framing? A comparative sudy of news narratives and issue framing in the climate change coverage of five countries. Speech at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka, Japan, June 10 - 13
Lück, J., Wessler, H., Wozniak, A. (2016). Länderspezifische Erzählungen im globalen Medienframing? Eine vergleichende Inhaltsanalyse zur Klimaberichterstattung im transnationalen Kontext. Speech at the Annual Conference of the German Association for Media and Communication Studies (DGPuK), Leipzig, March 30 - April 1
2015 Lück, J. (2015, Juni). Journalistic narratives for deliberative ends: The role of narratives in mediated deliberation on climate change. Speech at the 7th Colloquium of the Nachwuchsnetzwerk politische Kommunikation (NapoKo),  Münster.
Wessler, H., Wozniak, A., Hofer, L. & Lück, J. (May, 2015). Global multimodal news frames on climate change. Speech at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Juan, PR, May 21 - 25
2014 Wozniak, A., Lück, J. Wessler, H. (2014, November). Sustainable media events? Media coverage of the UN climate conferences in democratic countries. Speecj at the 5th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Lisbon, November 12 - 15
Wozniak, A., Lück, J. & Wessler, H. (2014, Mai). Visual strategies and representations: How journalists and PR professionals coproduce the images of climate change. Speech at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Seattle, May 22 - 26
2013 Lück, J. & Wessler, H. (2013, June). Working with limited diversity in QCA. A methodological case study. Speech at the Post-Conference on “Qualitative Comparative Analysis” within the scope of the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), London, June 17 - 21
Wessler, H., Lück, J. & Wozniak, A. (2013, June). Networks of coproduction: How mainstream NGOs and journalists create common interpretations of the UN climate summits. Speech at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), London, June 17 - 21
Lück, J. (2013, June). Journalistic narrations for deliberative ends: The role of narrations in mediated deliberation on climate change. Speech at the Political Communication Preconference within the scope of the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), London, June 17 - 21
2010 Lück, J. (2010, April). Friedensmission oder Kriegs­einsatz?Indexing und Framing der Afghanistan-berichterstattung von 2001 bis 2008 in der Tagesschau der ARD. Speech at the 5th Düsseldorf Forum Political Communikation, Düsseldorf, April 8 - 10
Rinke, E. M. & Lück, J. (2010, June). Exploring the role of political ideology and media use for the strength of US stereotypes. Speech at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Singapore, June 22 - 26
2009 Rinke, E. M. & Lück, J. (2009, April). Moderiert die politische Orientierung den Medieneinfluss auf die Intensität von USA-Stereotypen?. Speech at the 5th Düsseldorf Forum on Political Communikation, Düsseldorf, April 3 - 5

