Daniela Stelzmann M. A.

Research Assistant until January 2021
from February 2021 |
Research Associate at the Institute for Computer Science: https://www.sicherheit-forschung.de/ueber_uns/mitarbeitende/stelzmann/index.html |
since 04/2016 | Research Associate at the Division Media Analysis/ Research Methods of the Institute for Media and Communication Studies of Freie Universität Berlin |
2008 - 2015 | Studies of Media Studies, German Philology and Psychology at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Degree: Magistra Artium) |
Courses | |
winter term 2020/ 21 |
MÜ 28721 Psychische Erkrankungen und digitale Medien (methodological course for master students) |
winter term 2019/ 20 |
summer term 2019 |
winter term 2018/ 19 |
winter term 2017/ 18 |
summer term 2017 |
S 28562 Einführung in die empirische Kommunikationsforschung S 28627 #DigitaleDepression |
winter term 2016/ 17 | S 28833 Methoden |
summer term 2016 | S 28535 Methoden I |
Research Focus:
- Methods of Social Sciences
- Research on Media Use and Effects
- New Media and Online Communication
- Health and Scientific Communication
Publications and presentations on conferences can be found here.