Anne Beier M. A.
Research Assistant until March 2022
04/2015 - 03/2022 | Research Assistant at the Division Media Analysis/ Research Methods of the Institute for Media and Communication Studies of Freie Universität Berlin |
02/2015 |
Master of Arts in Medien und Politische Kommunikation (translated as "Media and Political Communication") at Freie Universität Berlin Final Thesis: "Terrorismus in deutschen Medien 2011/ 2012. Eine Sekundäranalyse" (translated as "Terrorism in German Media in 2011/ 2012. A Secondary Analysis.") |
since 10/2013 | Research Assistant in the long-term study "Kontinuierliche Fernsehprogrammforschung der Landesmedienanstalten" of GöfaK Medienforschung GmbH |
05/2010 |
Bachelor of Arts in Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (Minor: English Philology) at Freie Universität Berlin Final Thesis: "Die Rolle von Printjournalisten in politischen Fernsehtalkshows" (translated as "The Role of Print Journalists in Political TV Talkshows") |
Memberships |
Research focus | |
Applied communication research | |
since 2021 | Applied communication research within h1 medienanalyse GmbH Berlin |
since 2015 | Continuous TV programme research in Switzerland (SRG TV) on behalf of the Federal Office of Communications |
2019 - 2020 | Project management of continuous TV programme analysis on behalf of the ARD/ZDF Media Commission |
2016 - 2018 | Analysis of ARD's third programmes in cooperation with the Otto Brenner Foundation |
2013 - 2018 | Continuous TV programme research of the state media authorities |
Journal Articles |
2020 | Beier, A., Fiechtner, S. & Trebbe, J. (2020). Ordinary Citizens in Swiss Public Television News: Representing a National Public Sphere? Journalism Studies, 21(8), 1055 – 1075. |
Maurer, T., Beier, A. & Weiß, H.-J. (2020). Ergebnisse der ARD/ZDF-Programmanalyse 2019 – Teil 1. Programmprofile von Das Erste, ZDF, RTL, VOX, Sat.1 und ProSieben. [Results of the ARD/ZDF Programme Analysis 2019 - Part 1. Programme Profiles of Das Erste, ZDF, RTL, VOX, Sat.1 and ProSieben] Media Perspektiven, 2020(5), 246 – 263. | |
Weiß, H.-J., Maurer, T. & Beier, A. (2020). Forschungshintergrund und Methode. ARD/ZDF-Programmanalyse 2019: Kontinuität und Wandel. [Research Background and Methodology. ARD/ZDF Programme Analysis 2019: Continuity and Change] Media Perspektiven, 2020(5), 226 – 245. | |
2016 |
Benert, V. & Beier, A. (2016). Influx of Migrants vs. People in Need. A Combined Analysis of Framing and Connotation in the Lampedusa News Coverage. Global Media Journal German Edition, 6 (1). |
Greyer, J., Fehr, A., Gräßer, D. & Beier, A. (2016). Im Schatten eines Riesen? Ein Vergleich der Politikberichterstattung des öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehens im Kleinstaat Schweiz und dem Giant Next-Door-Neighbor Deutschland [In a Giant's Shadow? A Comparison of the Political TV Coverage of the Public Broadcasters in Switzerland and the Giant Neighbour Germany]. Studies in Communication,16 (1), 78 - 85. doi: 10.1016/j.scoms.2016.04.001 |
Book Chapters |
2021 |
Beier, A. (2021). Terrorberichterstattung [Terrorism Reporting]. In M. Prinzing and R. Blum (Eds.), Handbuch Politischer Journalismus [Political Journalism – A Handbook]. Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag. In Print. |
Beier, A. and J. Trebbe (2021). Fernsehen [Television]. In M. Prinzing and R. Blum (Eds.), Handbuch Politischer Journalismus [Political Journalism – A Handbook]. Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag. In Print. |
Beier, A. (2021). Mehr als das Wort zum Sonntag: kirchliche Sendungen im deutschen Fernsehen im Zeitverlauf. [More than the Sunday Message: Ecclesiastical Programs on German TV in the Course of Time] In K. Radde-Antweiler and A. Offerhaus (Eds.), Multiple Media, Multiple Religion? Facetten der Transformation von Medien und Religion [Multiple Media, Multiple Religion? Different Aspects of the Transformation of Media and Religion]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. In Print. |
2019 | Weiß, H-J., Beier, A. & Spittka, E. (2019). Private und öffentlich-rechtliche Fernsehvollprogramme 1998 bis 2018: 20 Jahre Fernsehen in Deutschland. [Private and Public-Service TV Programs from 1998 to 2018: 20 Years of TV in Germany.] In: Content-Bericht der Medienanstalten 2018. Forschung, Fakten, Trends [Content Report of the Media Authorities 2018. Research, Facts and Trends] (23 - 74). Berlin. |
2018 |
Beier, A., Maurer, T. & Weiß, H-J. (2018). Fernsehvollprogramme 2017 – AGF-Vollerhebung vs. ALM-Stichprobe [Television Stations 2017 – AGF Census vs. ALM Sample ]. In: Content-Bericht der Medienanstalten 2017 [Content Report of the Media Authorities 2017] (119 - 129). Leipzig: VISTAS. |
Weiß, H-J. Beier, A. & Spittka, E. (2018). Fernsehvollprogramme 2017 – Programmstrukturen [Television Stations 2017 – Program Structures]. In: Content-Bericht der Medienanstalten 2017 [Content Report of the Media Authorities 2017] (54 - 96). Leipzig: VISTAS. |
2017 |
Spittka, E. & Beier, A. (2017). Satire in den Medien – die Darstellung der Causa Böhmermann in deutschen Fernsehvollprogrammen [Satire in the Media - The Böhmermann Case on German National TV]. In Die Medienanstalten (Ed.), Content-Bericht 2016. Fernsehen in Deutschland [Content Report 2016. Television in Germany] (85 - 104). Leipzig: VISTAS. |
Trebbe, J. & Beier, A. (2017). Fernsehen 2016 – aktuelle Programmentwicklungen [Television 2016 - The Latest Content Developments]. In Die Medienanstalten (Ed.), Content-Bericht 2016. Fernsehen in Deutschland [Content Report 2016. Television in Germany] (23 - 60). Leipzig: VISTAS. |
2016 |
Trebbe, J. & Beier, A. (2016). Fernsehen 2015 – aktuelle Programmentwicklungen [Television 2015 - The Latest Content Developments]. In Die Medienanstalten (Ed.), Programmbericht 2015. Fernsehen in Deutschland [Content Report 2015. Television in Germany] (23 - 55). Leipzig: VISTAS. |
2015 |
Weiß, H.-J., Beier, A. & Wagner, M. (2015). Konzeption, Methode und Basisdaten der ALM-Studie 2013/ 2014 [Concepts, Methods and Basic Data of the ALM Study 2013/ 2014]. In Die Medienanstalten (Ed.), Programmbericht 2014. Fernsehen in Deutschland [Content Report 2014. Television in Germany] (221 - 273). Leipzig: VISTAS. |
2014 |
Beier, A., Trebbe, J. & Maurer, T. (2014). Deutsche Fernsehvollprogramme 2013. Neue Daten der ALM-Studie [German Television 2013. Latest Data of the ALM Study]. In Die Medienanstalten (Ed.), Programmbericht 2013. Fernsehen in Deutschland [Content Report 2013. Television in Germany] (27 - 60). Leipzig: VISTAS. |
Trebbe, J. & Beier, A. (2014). Konzeption, Methode und Basisdaten der ALM-Studie 2012/2013 [Concepts, Methods and Basic Data of the ALM Study 2012/ 2013]. In Die Medienanstalten (Ed.), Programmbericht 2013. Fernsehen in Deutschland [Content Report 2013. Television in Germany] (191 - 241). Leipzig: VISTAS. |
Monographs/ Research Reports |
2020 |
Beier, A., E. Spittka, M. Wagner and J. Trebbe (2020). Kontinuierliche Fernsehprogrammforschung in der Schweiz. Die Programme der SRG SSR im Jahr 2019. Zusammenfassender Schlussbericht. [Continuous Television Research in Switzerland. The SRG SSR Programs in 2019. Summarized Final Report]. |
2018 |
Trebbe, J., Wagner, M., Fehr, A., Spittka, E., & Beier, A. (2018). Kontinuierliche Fernsehprogrammforschung in der Schweiz. Die Programme der SRG SSR im Jahr 2017. Zusammenfassender Schlussbericht. [Continous Television Research in Switzerland. The SRG SSR Programs in 2017. Concluding Report]. |
2017 |
Spittka, E., Wagner, M. & Beier, A. (2017). Unterhaltung aus Bayern, Klatsch aus Hessen? Eine Programmanalyse von BR und hr [Bavarian Entertainment and Hessian Gossip? A Program Analysis of BR and hr] (OBS-Arbeitspapier 25). |
2016 |
Trebbe, J., Beier, A. & Wagner, M. (2016). Information oder Unterhaltung? Eine Programmanalyse von WDR und MDR [Information or Entertainment? A Program Analysis of WDR and MDR] (OBS-Arbeitspapier 17). |
Trebbe, J., Wagner, M., Fehr, A., Spittka, E. & Beier, A. (2016). Kontinuierliche Fernsehprogrammforschung in der Schweiz. Die Programme der SRG SSR im Jahr 2015. Zusammenfassender Schlussbericht [Continous Television Research in Switzerland. The SRG SSR Programs in 2015. Concluding Report]. |
Conference Papers, Presentations and Posters | |
2020 |
Spittka, E., Beier, A., & Trebbe, J. (2020, March). Sport aus der Region? Sport für die Region? Eine quantitative Inhaltsanalyse der Sportberichterstattung der Dritten Programme der ARD. [A Quantitative Content Analysis of the Regional Media Coverage of Sports in the Third Programs of the ARD.] Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK): #Medien #Mensch #Gesellschaft in Munich, Germany. |
2019 |
Beier, A. (2019, November). Islam in German mainstream television – it’s complicated. A qualitative and quantitative content analysis. Presentation at the Conference Racism and Religion by the Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism (CEMFOR) in Uppsala, Sweden. |
Gräßer, D., Greyer-Stock, J., Fehr, A. & Beier, A. (2019, May). Always in the Shadow? Politics on TV in Germany and Switzerland. Presentation at the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) in Washington, D.C., USA. | |
Beier, A., Fehr, A., Spittka, E. & Trebbe, J. (2019, May). Der Islam im Fernsehen. Eine quantitative und qualitative Programmanalyse. [Islam on TV - A Quantitative and Qualitative Program Analysis.] Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) on Integration by means of Communication in Digitalized Public Spheres in Münster, Germany. | |
2018 | Beier, A., Fehr, A. & Trebbe, J. (2018, April). Mirroring Europeanization? Switzerland's Pillarized Public Sphere. Presentation at the conference on Next-Door-Giants. Exploring Media, Languages, Cultures and Borders in Switzerland and Europe organized by the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM), Lugano, Switzerland. |
Gräßer, D., Greyer-Stock, J., Fehr, A. & Beier, A. (2018, April). Kleiner Staat, kleiner Markt, großer Nachbar – Politikberichterstattung im Fernsehen in der Schweiz und Deutschland [Small Nation, Big Market, Big Neighbour – Political Reporting on TV in Switzerland and Germany]. Presentation at the conference on Next-Door-Giants. Exploring Media, Languages, Cultures and Borders in Switzerland and Europe organized by the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM), Lugano, Switzerland. | |
Benert, V., Wagner, M., Spittka, E. & Beier, A. (2018, April). Im Schatten der grossen Drei? – Eine quantitative Inhaltsanalyse gesellschaftlich relevanter Themen in der Berichterstattung der SRG SSR [In the Shadow of the Big Three? – A Quantitative Content Analysis of the Reporting of Societally Relevant Topics of the SRG SSR]. Presentation at the conference Next-Door-Giants. Exploring Media, Languages, Cultures and Borders in Switzerland and Europe organized by the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM), Lugano, Switzerland. | |
2017 |
Beier, A. & Fiechtner, S. (2017, May). Ordinary Citizens in Swiss Public Television: Background Actors or Actors with Own Voice? Paper presented at the Preconference #35 Ordinary Citizens in the News at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA, USA. |
Beier, A., Marouche, V., Fehr, A. & Trebbe, J. (2017, May). One Country – One Public Sphere? The Pillarization of Switzerland’s Language Regions in the Swiss Media. Interactive poster session at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA, USA. |
2016 |
Beier, A., Paasch-Colberg, S. & Fehr, A. (2016, November). Ethnic Diversity in Entertainment: The Representation of Minorities in Fictional and Non-Fictional Television Programs. Paper presented at the 6th European Communication Conference. Mediated (Dis-)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Futures. Prague, Czech Republic. |
Beier, A. & Paasch-Colberg, S. (2016, July). Regional identities in post-socialist Germany – How regional TV programmes remember a homeland that’s gone. Paper presented at the 2016 conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research: Memory, Commemoration and Communication: Looking Back, Looking Forward, Leicester, UK. |