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Anne Beier M. A.

Anne Beier
Image Credit: fotostudioneukoelln.de

Research Assistant until March 2022

04/2015 - 03/2022 Research Assistant at the Division Media Analysis/ Research Methods of the Institute for Media and Communication Studies of Freie Universität Berlin

Master of Arts in Medien und Politische Kommunikation (translated as "Media and Political Communication") at Freie Universität Berlin

Final Thesis: "Terrorismus in deutschen Medien 2011/ 2012. Eine Sekundäranalyse" (translated as "Terrorism in German Media in 2011/ 2012. A Secondary Analysis.")

since 10/2013 Research Assistant in the long-term study "Kontinuierliche Fernsehprogrammforschung der Landesmedienanstalten" of GöfaK Medienforschung GmbH

Bachelor of Arts in Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (Minor: English Philology) at Freie Universität Berlin

Final Thesis: "Die Rolle von Printjournalisten in politischen Fernsehtalkshows" (translated as "The Role of Print Journalists in Political TV Talkshows")

  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK)

  • European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)

  • International Communication Association (ICA)

  • German Studies Association (GSA)

Courses (mostly in German language)

winter term 2021/ 22

MÜ 28831 Inhaltsanalyse: Geteilte Erinnerungen? Die aktuelle Darstellung der DDR in deutschen Medien (methodological course in the master program Media and Political Communication)
summer term 2021 S 28533(a) Befragung (Anne Beier/ Julia Lück-Benz)
winter term 2020/ 21

S 28627 Zwischen Gottesdienst und Tatort: Religion in Medien, religiöse Medien? I (gekoppelt mit 28628) (seminar for bachelor students)

S 28628 Zwischen Gottesdienst und Tatort: Religion in Medien, religiöse Medien? II (gekoppelt mit 28627) (seminar for bachelor students)

MÜ 28752 Methodenseminar Inhaltsanalysen und Recherchen zur Fernsehwerbung: Marken, Stereotypen, Programmumfeld (course for master students; in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Joachim Trebbe)

summer term 2020

S 28531(a) Empirische Forschungsmethoden (in cooperation with Janine Greyer-Stock and Roland Toth) (Empirical Research Methods)

Please follow the advice given on the containment of the coronavirus and note that the begin of courses has been postponed.
winter term 2019/ 20

MÜ 28831 Inhaltsanalyse: Geteilte Erinnerungen? Die aktuelle Darstellung der DDR in deutschen Medien (methodological course for master students)

MÜ 28832(a) Inhaltsanalyse: Die De-Säkularisierung politischer Medienöffentlichkeiten (methodological course for master students)

winter term 2018/ 19

S 28622 Zwischen Gottesdienst und Tatort: Religion in Medien, religiöse Medien? I (combined with 28623)

S 28623 Zwischen Gottesdienst und Tatort: Religion in Medien, religiöse Medien? II (combined with 28622)

winter term 2017 /18

PS 28831 Inhaltsanalyse: Religion im Wahlkampf. Kurs 1

Ü 28832 Inhaltsanalyse: Religion im Wahlkampf. Kurs 2

summer term 2017

S 28534(a) Methoden I: Quantitative Befragung, Themenfeld Religion und Massenmedien/ Stereotypenforschung

S 28711 Methods of Media Research

T 28712 Tutorial for Media Research Methods (in cooperation with Vivien Benert)

summer term 2016 S 28531 Methoden I
summer term 2016 S 28711 Methods of Media Research
winter term 2015/16 Ü 28831 Methoden: Ein Volk? Die aktuelle Darstellung der DDR in deutschen Medien
summer term 2015 S 28534 Methoden I: Agenda Setting (Kurs D)
winter term 2014/15 S 28833 Methoden der politischen Kommunikationsforschung: Angewandte Fernsehprogrammforschung, Kurs C (in cooperation with Matthias Wagner)
Research focus
  • Religion and mass media
  • Television programme research in Germany and Switzerland
  • Transcultural communication
  • Terrorism Reporting
Applied communication research
since 2021 Applied communication research within h1 medienanalyse GmbH Berlin
since 2015 Continuous TV programme research in Switzerland (SRG TV) on behalf of the Federal Office of Communications
2019 - 2020 Project management of continuous TV programme analysis on behalf of the ARD/ZDF Media Commission
2016 - 2018 Analysis of ARD's third programmes in cooperation with the Otto Brenner Foundation
2013 - 2018 Continuous TV programme research of the state media authorities

Journal Articles

2020   Beier, A., Fiechtner, S. & Trebbe, J. (2020). Ordinary Citizens in Swiss Public Television News: Representing a National Public Sphere? Journalism Studies, 21(8), 1055 – 1075. https://doi.org/10.1080/1461670X.2020.1771193
Maurer, T., Beier, A. & Weiß, H.-J. (2020). Ergebnisse der ARD/ZDF-Programmanalyse 2019 – Teil 1. Programmprofile von Das Erste, ZDF, RTL, VOX, Sat.1 und ProSieben. [Results of the ARD/ZDF Programme Analysis 2019 - Part 1. Programme Profiles of Das Erste, ZDF, RTL, VOX, Sat.1 and ProSieben] Media Perspektiven, 2020(5), 246 – 263.
Weiß, H.-J., Maurer, T. & Beier, A. (2020). Forschungshintergrund und Methode. ARD/ZDF-Programmanalyse 2019: Kontinuität und Wandel. [Research Background and Methodology. ARD/ZDF Programme Analysis 2019: Continuity and Change] Media Perspektiven, 2020(5), 226 – 245.

Benert, V. & Beier, A. (2016). Influx of Migrants vs. People in Need. A Combined Analysis of Framing and Connotation in the Lampedusa News Coverage. Global Media Journal German Edition, 6 (1).

Greyer, J., Fehr, A., Gräßer, D. & Beier, A. (2016). Im Schatten eines Riesen? Ein Vergleich der Politikberichterstattung des öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehens im Kleinstaat Schweiz und dem Giant Next-Door-Neighbor Deutschland [In a Giant's Shadow? A Comparison of the Political TV Coverage of the Public Broadcasters in Switzerland and the Giant Neighbour Germany]. Studies in Communication,16 (1), 78 - 85. doi: 10.1016/j.scoms.2016.04.001

Book Chapters


Beier, A. (2021). Terrorberichterstattung [Terrorism Reporting]. In M. Prinzing and R. Blum (Eds.), Handbuch Politischer Journalismus [Political Journalism – A Handbook]. Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag. In Print.

Beier, A. and J. Trebbe (2021). Fernsehen [Television]. In M. Prinzing and R. Blum (Eds.), Handbuch Politischer Journalismus [Political Journalism – A Handbook]. Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag. In Print.

Beier, A. (2021). Mehr als das Wort zum Sonntag: kirchliche Sendungen im deutschen Fernsehen im Zeitverlauf. [More than the Sunday Message: Ecclesiastical Programs on German TV in the Course of Time] In K. Radde-Antweiler and A. Offerhaus (Eds.), Multiple Media, Multiple Religion? Facetten der Transformation von Medien und Religion [Multiple Media, Multiple Religion? Different Aspects of the Transformation of Media and Religion]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. In Print.

2019 Weiß, H-J., Beier, A. & Spittka, E. (2019). Private und öffentlich-rechtliche Fernsehvollprogramme 1998 bis 2018: 20 Jahre Fernsehen in Deutschland. [Private and Public-Service TV Programs from 1998 to 2018: 20 Years of TV in Germany.] In: Content-Bericht der Medienanstalten 2018. Forschung, Fakten, Trends [Content Report of the Media Authorities 2018. Research, Facts and Trends] (23 - 74). Berlin.


Beier, A., Maurer, T. & Weiß, H-J. (2018). Fernsehvollprogramme 2017 – AGF-Vollerhebung vs. ALM-Stichprobe [Television Stations 2017 – AGF Census vs. ALM Sample ]. In: Content-Bericht der Medienanstalten 2017 [Content Report of the Media Authorities 2017] (119 - 129). Leipzig: VISTAS.

Weiß, H-J. Beier, A. & Spittka, E. (2018). Fernsehvollprogramme 2017 – Programmstrukturen [Television Stations 2017 – Program Structures]. In: Content-Bericht der Medienanstalten 2017 [Content Report of the Media Authorities 2017] (54 - 96). Leipzig: VISTAS.


Spittka, E. & Beier, A. (2017). Satire in den Medien – die Darstellung der Causa Böhmermann in deutschen Fernsehvollprogrammen [Satire in the Media - The Böhmermann Case on German National TV]. In Die Medienanstalten (Ed.), Content-Bericht 2016. Fernsehen in Deutschland [Content Report 2016. Television in Germany] (85 - 104). Leipzig: VISTAS.

Trebbe, J. & Beier, A. (2017). Fernsehen 2016 – aktuelle Programmentwicklungen [Television 2016 - The Latest Content Developments]. In Die Medienanstalten (Ed.), Content-Bericht 2016. Fernsehen in Deutschland [Content Report 2016. Television in Germany] (23 - 60). Leipzig: VISTAS.


Trebbe, J. & Beier, A. (2016). Fernsehen 2015 – aktuelle Programmentwicklungen [Television 2015 - The Latest Content Developments]. In Die Medienanstalten (Ed.), Programmbericht 2015. Fernsehen in Deutschland [Content Report 2015. Television in Germany] (23 - 55). Leipzig: VISTAS.


Weiß, H.-J., Beier, A. & Wagner, M. (2015). Konzeption, Methode und Basisdaten der ALM-Studie 2013/ 2014 [Concepts, Methods and Basic Data of the ALM Study 2013/ 2014]. In Die Medienanstalten (Ed.), Programmbericht 2014. Fernsehen in Deutschland [Content Report 2014. Television in Germany] (221 - 273). Leipzig: VISTAS.


Beier, A., Trebbe, J. & Maurer, T. (2014). Deutsche Fernsehvollprogramme 2013. Neue Daten der ALM-Studie [German Television 2013. Latest Data of the ALM Study]. In Die Medienanstalten (Ed.), Programmbericht 2013. Fernsehen in Deutschland [Content Report 2013. Television in Germany] (27 - 60). Leipzig: VISTAS.

Trebbe, J. & Beier, A. (2014). Konzeption, Methode und Basisdaten der ALM-Studie 2012/2013 [Concepts, Methods and Basic Data of the ALM Study 2012/ 2013]. In Die Medienanstalten (Ed.), Programmbericht 2013. Fernsehen in Deutschland [Content Report 2013. Television in Germany] (191 - 241). Leipzig: VISTAS.

Monographs/ Research Reports


Beier, A., E. Spittka, M. Wagner and J. Trebbe (2020). Kontinuierliche Fernsehprogrammforschung in der Schweiz. Die Programme der SRG SSR im Jahr 2019. Zusammenfassender Schlussbericht. [Continuous Television Research in Switzerland. The SRG SSR Programs in 2019. Summarized Final Report].


Trebbe, J., Wagner, M., Fehr, A., Spittka, E., & Beier, A. (2018). Kontinuierliche Fernsehprogrammforschung in der Schweiz. Die Programme der SRG SSR im Jahr 2017. Zusammenfassender Schlussbericht. [Continous Television Research in Switzerland. The SRG SSR Programs in 2017. Concluding Report].


Spittka, E., Wagner, M. & Beier, A. (2017). Unterhaltung aus Bayern, Klatsch aus Hessen? Eine Programmanalyse von BR und hr [Bavarian Entertainment and Hessian Gossip? A Program Analysis of BR and hr] (OBS-Arbeitspapier 25).

Trebbe, J., Beier, A. & Wagner, M. (2016). Information oder Unterhaltung? Eine Programmanalyse von WDR und MDR [Information or Entertainment? A Program Analysis of WDR and MDR] (OBS-Arbeitspapier 17).

Trebbe, J., Wagner, M., Fehr, A., Spittka, E. & Beier, A. (2016). Kontinuierliche Fernsehprogrammforschung in der Schweiz. Die Programme der SRG SSR im Jahr 2015. Zusammenfassender Schlussbericht [Continous Television Research in Switzerland. The SRG SSR Programs in 2015. Concluding Report].

Conference Papers, Presentations and Posters

Spittka, E., Beier, A., & Trebbe, J. (2020, March). Sport aus der Region? Sport für die Region? Eine quantitative Inhaltsanalyse der Sportberichterstattung der Dritten Programme der ARD. [A Quantitative Content Analysis of the Regional Media Coverage of Sports in the Third Programs of the ARD.] Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK): #Medien #Mensch #Gesellschaft in Munich, Germany.


Beier, A. (2019, November). Islam in German mainstream television – it’s complicated. A qualitative and quantitative content analysis. Presentation at the Conference Racism and Religion by the Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism  (CEMFOR) in Uppsala, Sweden.

Gräßer, D., Greyer-Stock, J., Fehr, A. & Beier, A. (2019, May). Always in the Shadow? Politics on TV in Germany and Switzerland. Presentation at the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) in Washington, D.C., USA.
Beier, A., Fehr, A., Spittka, E. & Trebbe, J. (2019, May). Der Islam im Fernsehen. Eine quantitative und qualitative Programmanalyse. [Islam on TV - A Quantitative and Qualitative Program Analysis.] Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) on Integration by means of Communication in Digitalized Public Spheres in Münster, Germany.
2018 Beier, A., Fehr, A. & Trebbe, J. (2018, April). Mirroring Europeanization? Switzerland's Pillarized Public Sphere. Presentation at the conference on Next-Door-Giants. Exploring Media, Languages, Cultures and Borders in Switzerland and Europe organized by the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM), Lugano, Switzerland.
Gräßer, D., Greyer-Stock, J., Fehr, A. & Beier, A. (2018, April). Kleiner Staat, kleiner Markt, großer Nachbar – Politikberichterstattung im Fernsehen in der Schweiz und Deutschland [Small Nation, Big Market, Big Neighbour – Political Reporting on TV in Switzerland and Germany]. Presentation at the conference on Next-Door-Giants. Exploring Media, Languages, Cultures and Borders in Switzerland and Europe organized by the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM), Lugano, Switzerland.
Benert, V., Wagner, M., Spittka, E. & Beier, A. (2018, April). Im Schatten der grossen Drei? – Eine quantitative Inhaltsanalyse gesellschaftlich relevanter Themen in der Berichterstattung der SRG SSR [In the Shadow of the Big Three? – A Quantitative Content Analysis of the Reporting of Societally Relevant Topics of the SRG SSR]. Presentation at the conference Next-Door-Giants. Exploring Media, Languages, Cultures and Borders in Switzerland and Europe organized by the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM), Lugano, Switzerland.

Beier, A. & Fiechtner, S. (2017, May). Ordinary Citizens in Swiss Public Television: Background Actors or Actors with Own Voice? Paper presented at the Preconference #35 Ordinary Citizens in the News at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA, USA.

Beier, A., Marouche, V., Fehr, A. & Trebbe, J. (2017, May). One Country – One Public Sphere? The Pillarization of Switzerland’s Language Regions in the Swiss Media. Interactive poster session at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA, USA.


Beier, A., Paasch-Colberg, S. & Fehr, A. (2016, November). Ethnic Diversity in Entertainment: The Representation of Minorities in Fictional and Non-Fictional Television Programs. Paper presented at the 6th European Communication Conference. Mediated (Dis-)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Futures. Prague, Czech Republic.

Beier, A. & Paasch-Colberg, S. (2016, July). Regional identities in post-socialist Germany – How regional TV programmes remember a homeland that’s gone. Paper presented at the 2016 conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research: Memory, Commemoration and Communication: Looking Back, Looking Forward, Leicester, UK.
