Ada Fehr M. A.

Research assistant until March 2019
April 2013 - March 2019 |
Research assistant at the Division Media Analysis/Research Methods of the Institute for Media and Communication Studies at Freie Universität Berlin |
Since August 2012 |
Research Assistant at the Departement of Mass Media and Communicatin Research at University of Fribourg (Switzerland) in the externally funded project "Kontinuierliche Fernsehprogrammforschung" |
July 2012 |
Master of Arts in Mass Media and Communication Research at University of Fribourg (Switzerland) Master thesis: "Regionale Vielfalt in der Nordwestschweiz - Eine multimediale Inhaltsanalyse tagesaktueller, publizistischer Inhalte im Raum Basel im Herbst 2011" |
January 2012 - July 2012 | Student Assistant at the Departement of Mass Media and Communicatin Research at University of Fribourg (Switzerland) in the externally funded project "Kontinuierliche Fernsehprogrammforschung" |
August 2010 |
Bachelor of Arts in Mass Media and Communication Research with minors in Business Economics and Contemporary History at University of Fribourg (Switzerland) Bachelor thesis: "Das Auftreten und die Intensität von Nachrichtenfaktoren in wichtigen und interessanten Überschriften" |
April 2010 - December 2011 | Student Assistant at the Division Empirical Communication Research and Applied Media Research at the Departement of Mass Media and Communication Research of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) |
Courses | |
summer term 2018 |
S 28534 Quantitative Befragung, Themenfeld Politische Bewegtbildinhalte S 28535 Quantitative Befragung, Themenfeld Politische Bewegtbildinhalte |
winter term 2017/ 18 | |
winter term 2014/15 | 28831 Ü Geschlechterbilder und Fernsehen |
summer term 2014 |
PS 28531 Nachrichtenwertforschung (Kurs A) PS 28533 Nachrichtenwertforschung (Kurs C) |
winter term 2013/14 | PS 28531 Nachrichtenwertforschung |
summer term 2013 | Ü 28832 Datenanalyse mit SPSS (in co-operation with Sünje Paasch-Colberg) |
Review of more than 35 seminar papers and 12 reviews of final theses since summer term 2013.
- Television Program Scheduling and Research
- Quality Research
- Research Methods
Publications |
2015 2014
Speeches |