Magister Theses (Undergraduate)
Magister Theses (Undergraduate)
Please note that the majority of the titles shown here have been translated from German into English for informative purposes only. The original thesis could have been written in German language.
Here you can find magister theses that have been supervised by the Division Media Analysis/ Research Methods (since 2013):
- Sandra Stromberger: Social Media Monitoring (Prof. Dr. Joachim Trebbe)
Here you can find magister theses that have been supervised by the Division Research Methods/ Applied Communication Research (until 2011):
Maria Kersten: Biased or Balanced? The News Coverage of the Prague Spring in Frankfurter Rundschau and Die Welt
- Katharina Radtke: The Image of Neukölln in the Berlin Daily Press: Case-Study Morgenpost
Luise Sammann: Increased Freedom of Media due to Al-Jazeera? An Analysis of Media Freedom in Jordan After the Foundation of Al-Jazeera
Heike Scheiber: Knowledge through Entertainment. An Experimental Study about the Impact of Infotainment on Knowledge Acquisition
Christiane Waas: Negative Campaigning in the German National Election Campaigns 2005: The Coverage of the National Daily Press about Kirchhof
Annabelle Ahrens: The Image of Russia in German Daily Press (2001 - 2008). An Analysis of the Political Commenting in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Süddeutsche Zeitung
Kristine Brümmer: Citizens’ Radio in Argentina: The Importance of ‚radios communitarias‘ from the Providers’ Perspective
Dana Camus: – An Analysis of Online Activities of Public Service Adolescent Radio: A Case-Study about Radio Fritz
- Elitsa Gancheva: The Significance of Broadcasting Involvement for Planning a Television Campaign
Christine Link: dctp and its Contribution to Increasing Diversity of Television Programmes in Germany
Teresa Maaß: Synchronisation in the News Coverage about the Debate on the European Defence Community (EDC) in the Newspapers ‚Le Monde‘ and ‚Le Figaro‘
Janine Hentschke: The Evaluation of Candidates and their Chances to Win in the German National Election Campaign 2005
Ana Petrova Ivanova: Communication Behaviour, Identity, and Integration of German-Russian Emigrants (1999). A Secondary Analysis
Julia Richter: The Images of Candidates in German National Daily Press during the German National Election Campaign 2005