Joana Becker, B.A.

Institute for Media and Communication Studies
Student Assistant
Research project "Diffusion dynamics of conspiracy theories and adaptation strategies in hybrid information spaces" (DIFFCONT) part of the NEOVEX research network
14195 Berlin
Joana Becker is a student assistant in the research group 'Dynamics of Digital Mobilization'. She is part of the research project "Diffusion dynamics of conspiracy theories and adaptation strategies in hybrid information ecologies" (DIFFCONT) at the Freie Universität Berlin, part of the research group NEOVEX. She is also involved in the interdisciplinary research project 'Measuring Knowledge Diffusion from Academia to Journalism and Policy-Making' at the Weizenbaum Institute.
She completed her bachelor's degree in journalism, communication studies and art history at Freie Universität Berlin. She is currently studying for a Master's degree in Media and Political Communication at Freie Universität Berlin.
Wintersemester 2022/23:
Sommersemester 2023: