Daniel Thiele, M.A.

Weizenbaum Institute
Institute for Media and Communication Studies
Research Group "Dynamics of Digital Mobilization"
10623 Berlin
Daniel Thiele is a research associate in the “Dynamics of Digital Mobilization” research group. There he studies coordinated disinformation campaigns and user-generated political communication on social media.
Daniel is currently completing his dissertation on populism in user comments in political science at the University of Vienna. His expertise includes computer-aided methods for analyzing text and digital trace data. He completed his master's degree in political science at the University of Vienna and his bachelor's degree at the University of Mannheim. He was a visiting researcher at the Weizenbaum Institute and the University of Amsterdam. Previously, he was a doctoral student in the FWF-funded project 'Political and Media Populism' at the University of Vienna and a recipient of an OeAD Marietta Blau foreign scholarship.
Daniel is committed to the research community in his field, such as in his role as Chair of the Section for Political Communication at the ECPR General Conference 2023. His research has been recognized at various academic conferences, including the ECPR Conference 2019 (Best PolCom Paper) , the ICA Regional Conference on Computational Communication Research 2022 (Best Paper) and the ECREA Conference 2022 (EJC Travel Grant).
Memberships and features:
- Political Communication
- Populism
- Disinformation Campaigns
- User-generated Online Communication
- Social Media
- Computational Methods
Current publications can be found in the profile on the website of the Weizenbaum Institute.