Prof. Dr. Jeanette Hofmann

Division Communication Theory and Media Effects
Institute for Media and Communication Studies
Department of Political and Social Sciences Researcher
Office hours
By arrangement only! Please contact the secretary Antje Wolters by email:
Since 01/2017: Professor of Internet Politics, Freie Universität Berlin
Since 01/2014: Honorary Professor of Internet Politics, Central Institute of Further Education at Universität der Künste Berlin
Since 10/2013: Head of the Project Group "The Internet Policy Field", WZB
Since 2013: Head of the research group "Politics of Digitalization", Berlin Social Science Center (WZB)
Since April 2012: Director of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society
10/2010 to 09/2013: Member of Research Unit "Cultural Sources of Newness", WZB
2010 to 2013: Expert member, Parliamentary Enquiry Commission Internet and Digital Society, Deutscher Bundestag
10/2007 to 09/2010: Researcher at London School of Economics and Political Science, Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation
2003 to 2006: Member of the Collaborative Research Center 597 "Transformations of the State", Subproject "Regulation and Legitimation on the Internet", University of Bremen
2003 to 2004: Interim professor for Politics and Communication, Department of Political Science, University Duisburg-Essen
2000 to 2007: Fellow and Program Leader, Internet Governance, Research Units "Innovation und Organisation" & "New Forms of Governance", WZB
1995 to 1999: Member of Project Group "Kulturraum Internet" in the Research Unit "Organization and Technology", WZB
1992: Dr. rer. pol., Free University of Berlin, Thesis: Implizite Theorien in der Politik. Interpretationsprobleme regionaler Modernisierungspolitik. [Implicit Theories in Policy Discourse. An Inquiry into the Interpretations of Reality in German Technology Policy]
Winter term 2024/25
MA - Hauptseminar 28812: Digitalpolitik - aktuelle Entwicklungen auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene
- MA - Hauptseminar 28812a: Digitalpolitik - aktuelle Entwicklungen auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene
Summer term 2024
MA - Seminar 28843: Kommunikationsmacht in digitaler Perspektive
Winter term 2023/24
MA - Seminar 28761: Theorien der digitalen Gesellschaft
Summer term 2022
MA - Seminar 28842: Was ist Digitalpolitik und kann man sie untersuchen?
Winter term 2021/22
MA - Seminar 28811: Künstliche Intelligenz und Gesellschaft
Summer term 2021
MA - Seminar 28841: Internet Policy
Winter term 2020/21
MA - Seminar 28812: Digitalisierung und Demokratie
Summer term 2020
MA - Seminar 28841: Netzpolitik
Winter term 2019/20
MA - Seminar 28812: Theorien des Digitalen: Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik
Summer term 2019
MA - Seminar 28811: Theorien des Digitalen: Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik
Winter term 2018/19
MA - Seminar 28811: Digitalisierung und Demokratie
Summer term 2018
MA - Seminar 28810: Technik - Gesellschaft - Kommunikation: Künstliche Intelligenz und die Frage gesellschaftlicher Kontrolle
Winter term 2017/18
MA - Seminar 28815: Theorie und Empirie der Internetpolitik
Summer term 2017
Seminar 28861: Big Data: Kritik der algorithmischen Macht
Winter term 16/17
Seminar 28862: Democracy reloaded: Demokratieverständnisse in der digitalen Gesellschaft
Governance theory
Internet governance
Internet policy
Transnational regulation
Empirical copyright law
Emergence of policy fields
Digital society
Science and technology studies
Selected publications
Hofmann, J. (2022, 05. Juli). Demokratie und Künstliche Intelligenz. Digitales Deutschland.
Hofmann, J. (2022). Digitale Infrastrukturen im Wandel. Bürger & Staat, 72(1-2), 56–62.
Berg, S., & Hofmann, J. (2021). Digital democracy. Internet Policy Review, 10(4), 1–23.
Hofmann, J., Katzenbach, C., & Gollatz, K. (2017). Between Coordination and Regulation: Finding the Govenance in Internet Governance. New Media & Society, 19(9), 1406–1423.
Hofmann, J. (2017). Constellations of trust and distrust in internet governance. In European Commission (ed.): Trust at Risk: Implications for EU Policies and Institutions. Report of the Expert Group "Trust at Risk? Foresight on the Medium-Term Implications for European Research and Innovation Policies (TRUSTFORESIGHT). Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
Hofmann, J. (2016). Open Access. Ein Lackmustest. In T. Dreier, V. Fischer, A. van Raay & I. Spiecker gen. Döhmann (Hrsg.), Informationen der öffentlichen Hand – Zugang und Nutzung. Studien zur Informationsfreiheit, Bd. 3 (S. 511–535). Nomos.
Hofmann, J. (2016). Multi-stakeholderism in Internet governance: putting a fiction into practice. Journal of Cyber Policy, 1(1), 29–49.
Hofmann, J., & Bergemann, B. (2016, October 4th). Die informierte Einwilligung: Ein Datenschutzphantom.
Kreutzer, T., Christiansen, P., von Gehlen, D., Hofmann, J., Klimpel, P., Köklü, K., Otto, P., Schindler, M., Wattig, L., & Renner, T. (2016). The Berlin Gedankenexperiment on the restructuring of Copyright Law and Author's Rights: Creators - Exploiters - Non-commercial Users - Intermediaries. JIPITEC - Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law, 7(2), 76–87.
Haunss, S., & Hofmann, J. (2015). Entstehung von Politikfeldern – Bedingungen einer Anomalie. Der moderne Staat - Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 8(1), 29–49.