Prof. Dr. Dennis Steffan

Division Communication Theory and Media Effects
Institute for Media and Communication Studies
Department of Political and Social Sciences Researcher
04/2023–03/2025: Interim Professor for Communication Science with a Focus on Communication Theory and Media Effects
Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Free University of Berlin, Germany
- 09/2024: Guest Lecturer
Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo, Norway
09/2022–10/2022: Visiting Scholar
The Media School, Indiana University Bloomington, USA
04/2022–08/2022: Interim Professor for Communication Science with a Focus on Strategic Communication
Institute for Communication Science at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
01/2021–09/2024: Postdoc
Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund University, Germany
- 12/2020: Doctor of Philosophy
Free University of Berlin, Germany
("Visual Politics: Investigating the Visual Communication Strategies of Political Parties and Candidates from a Longitudinal and Comparative Perspective")
01/2020–11/2020: Project Manager
infas-Institute for Applied Social Sciences, Bonn, Germany
04/2018–10/2018: Research Associate
Project "Regional Press Diversity in Germany and Austria: The Economic and Journalistic Development of Newspapers 1995-2015" funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), (PI: Prof. Dr. Klaus Beck), Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Free University of Berlin, Germany
04/2014–12/2019: Ph.D. Student
Institute for Media and Communication Studies, free University of Berlin, Germany
10/2011–03/2014: Master's degree in Communication Studies
University of Münster, Germany
10/2008–09/2011: Bachelor's degree in Political Science
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Winter term 2024/25
BA - Seminar 28512: Introduction to Political Communication Research
BA - Seminar 28561: Introduction to Media Effects Research
MA - Hauptseminar 28811: Visual Political Communication (A)
MA - Hauptseminar 28813: Visual Political Communication (B)
Summer term 2024
BA - Seminar 28561: Introduction to Empirical Communication Research
BA - Seminar 28572: Political Reporting
BA - Seminar 28622: Strategic Political Communication
BA/MA - BA/MA-Colloquium 28648: Empirical Communication Research
Winter term 2023/24
BA - Seminar 28563: Introduction to Empirical Communication Research
BA - Colloquium 28646: BA-Colloquium Empirical Communication Research
MA - Seminar 28811: Visual Political Communication
Summer term 2023
BA - Seminar 28562: Introduction to Empirical Communication Research
MA - Seminar 28811: Visual Framing of Elections
Political Communication
Comparative Research
Steffan, D. (2021). Visual politics: Investigating the visual communication strategies of political parties and candidates from a longitudinal and comparative perspective. Nomos.
Vonbun-Feldbauer, R., Grüblbauer, J., Berghofer, S., Krone, J., Beck, K., Steffan, D., & Dogruel, L. (2020). Regionaler Pressemarkt und Publizistische Vielfalt. Strukturen und Inhalte der Regionalpresse in Deutschland und Österreich 1995–2015. Springer VS.
Journal Articles
Luebke, S. M., & Steffan, D. (2025). Who values political authenticity? The antecedents and electoral consequences of voters’ preference for authentic politicians. Polity, 57(2), 000-000.
- Steffan, D., Grabe, M. E., & Famulari, U. (2024). Multinational and multimodal character framing of political candidates in online news: Do political and media system classifications matter? The International Journal of Press/Politics, Advance online publication.
- Holtrup, S., Henke, J., Steffan, D., & Möhring, W. (2024). The reciprocal effects of perceived accuracy and trust in news media: A two-wave online panel study in the context of the 2021 German federal election. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 101(1), 156–177.
- Luebke, S. M., & Steffan, D. (2023). Pathway to authenticity? The influence of politicians’ gender and multimodal self-presentation in social media on perceived authenticity. New Media & Society, Advance online publication.
Steffan, D. (2020). Visual self-presentation strategies of political candidates on social media platforms: A comparative study. International Journal of Communication, 14, 3096–3118.
Steffan, D., & Venema, N. (2020). New medium, old strategies? Comparing online and traditional campaign posters for German Bundestag elections, 2013–2017. European Journal of Communication, 35(4), 370–388.
Venema, N., & Steffan, D. (2020). Context matters: Professionalization of campaign posters from Adenauer to Merkel. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, 45(1), 98–121.
Steffan, D., & Venema, N. (2019). Personalised, de-ideologised and negative? A longitudinal analysis of campaign posters for German Bundestag elections, 1949–2017. European Journal of Communication, 34(3), 267–285.
Steffan, D. (2015). Glücklich mit dem Beruf, aber unzufrieden mit dem Job? Eine Analyse über die Arbeitszufriedenheit von Journalisten in Deutschland [Happy with their profession but dissatisfied with their job? An analysis of German journalists’ job satisfaction]. Studies in Communication|Media (SCM), 4(3), 248–276.
Book Chapters
Görke, A., & Steffan, D. (2023). Vom hohen Berg: Journalismus und Gesellschaft. In W. Loosen & A. Scholl (Eds.), Schlüsselwerke der Journalismusforschung, (pp. 17–30). Springer VS.
Steffan, D. (2023). Von Staatsmännern und bürgernahen Wahlkämpfer*innen. Eine visuelle Framing-Analyse der TV-Berichterstattung über die Kanzlerkandidat*innen Olaf Scholz, Armin Laschet und Annalena Baerbock im Bundestagswahlkampf 2021. In C. Holtz-Bacha (Ed.), Die (Massen-) Medien im Wahlkampf (pp. 243–262). Springer VS.
Steffan, D. (2023). The visual representation of politicians. In D. Lilleker & A. Veneti (Eds.), Research Handbook on Visual Politics (pp. 109–122). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Venema, N., & Steffan, D. (2021). Kleine Parteien, unprofessionelle Kampagnen? Strukturen und Strategien der Plakatwerbung im Europawahlkampf 2019. In C. Holtz-Bacha (Eds.), Europawahlkampf 2019. Zur Rolle der Medien (pp. 149–174). Springer VS.