Prof. Dr. Hanan Badr

Communication Politics/ Media Economics
Office hours
Currently, Prof. Badr does not accept the supervision of PhD students.
- 1996-2000 Bachelor of Arts, Cairo University in Journalism and Mass Communication, Grade: Very Good with Honours.
- February 2001-July 2005: Junior Research and Teaching Assistant at the Journalism of Department, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University.
- 2002-2005 Master of Arts, Cairo University. Thesis: The Image of Egypt and Egyptians in the German Print Media.
- July 2005-September 2007: Senior Research and Assistant Lecturer at the Journalism Department, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University.
- October 2007-September 2011: DAAD-PhD-Scholarship (Vollpromotionsstipendium) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at the University of Erfurt, Germany.
- 2007-2013 DAAD Promotionsstipendium Doctoral Degree (Dr. des.), University of Erfurt. Thesis: Framing of Underground- and State Terrorism in Egyptian and German Print Media.
- September – December 2014: DAAD Visiting scholar at the Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin.
- November 2012 – April 2015: Head researcher in the BMBF-funded research project “Media Culture in Transformation” at the Orient Institut Beirut, Cairo Office.
- 2015 Egyptian project coordinator of the DAAD-funded “Tawasul” research project “Journalism in Transformation in Egypt and beyond”
- 2013-2015 PhD Lecturer at Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University
- January 2016-March 2019: Postdoctoral Researcher / Institute of Communication and Media Studies, Freie Universität Berlin.
Other activities
- March 2011- August 2015: weekly columnist for the El Dustour newspaper, then El Tahrir daily newspaper.December 2011 till December 2012: Press coordinator for the Cairo Climate Talks (CCT) Project, in collaboration with the German Embassy, DAAD and GIZ in Cairo
- November 2006 – September 2007: Editor and Translator at the German Information Centre (GIC) at the German Embassy in Cairo. Website:
DGPUK: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft e.V.
DAVO: Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient
AGYA: Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities
AUSACE: Arab-US Association of Communication Educators
AREACORE: The Arab-European Association for Media and Communication Researchers
Summer Term 2019
- Vorlesung 28550 - Grundstrukturen des deutschen Mediensystems (with Anke Fiedler)
- Hauptseminar 28883 - Media and Peripheries: national and transnational perspectives
- Colloquium 28894 - MA-Colloquium Kommunikationspolitik/Medienökonomie
Winter Term 2018/2019
- Hauptseminar 28883 - Media and Populism in the EU and beyond
- Seminar 28554 - Comparing Media Sytems
Winter Term 2017/2018
- Seminar 28552 - Comparing Media Systems
Teaching Interests
- Comparing international media systems
- Public Sphere in the Arab World
- Arab Media Systems
- Media for Development
- Media Literacy in the Egyptian context (English language)
- Introduction to content analysis (in English, for MA students at the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo)
Comparative Media Systems
International Communication
Media and Political Transformation
Public Sphere in the Arab World
Media Discourses on Islam and the West
Social Media and Political Change
Media and Terrorism
Foreign Coverage in Media Discourses
Framing von Terrorismus im Nahostkonflikt [Framing Terrorism in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict]. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer VS, 2017.
Wessen Terrorismus? Das Framing von Untergrund- und Staatsterrorismus im Kontext des israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikts, eine Monographie, Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 2016.
Orient Institut Studies No. 4, 2016 Media Culture in Transformation: Political communication, Social Networking and Transition in Egypt
Journal Articles
“Kollektive Selbstbestimmung in Autokratien? Agenda-Building im Zusammenspiel von (digitalen) Medien und Aktivisten bei Anti-Folter-Protesten in Ägypten” [Collective self-determination in autocracies? Agenda-Building and the interplay with (digital) media in anti-torture protests in Egypt], Medien & Kommunikation, Vol. 66, No. 4, 2018. (co-authored)
“Shifting Roles and Freedom of Expression of Private Media Enterprises in Egypt after the political upheavals of 2013”, The Egyptian Brief, Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies, Vol. 4, No. 34, 2017. (in Arabic)
“Public Sphere, new media and political culture in post-revolutionary Egypt”, Orient Institut Studies, Vol. 4, 2016.
“Social movements, constitution debates and online deliberations in the post-Mubarak Egyptian public sphere”, Orient Institut Studies, Vol. 4, 2016. (co-authored)
“Terrorism and the diverse societal and political discourses – a philosophical discussion”, in Democracy Review, Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies. No. 61., 2016. (in Arabic)
“Ramadan drama: A critical discussion of the socio-political media reality in the Egyptian series”, in The Egyptian Brief, Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies, 2 (11), June 2015, 5-8, 2015. (in Arabic)
„Limitations of the Social Media Euphoria in Communication Studies“, in Centre d’études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et sociales (CEDEJ), Égypte/Monde arabe, Vol. 13, March 2015.
(mit Thomas Demmelhuber) „Autoritäre Regime, Neue Medien und das »Regimedilemma«: eine Fallstudie zu Ägypten“, (Authoritarian Regimes, New Media and the Regime dilemma: A Case Study on Egypt“, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, Vol. 21, No. 1, June 2014, pp. 143-160.
„Terrorism and the diverse societal and political discourses - a philosophical discussion“, in Demoqratiya Journal, Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies. No. 61, January 2016) (Arabisch)
„Ramadan drama: A critical discussion of the socio-political media reality in the Egyptian series“, in Al Malaf al Masry, Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies, Vol. 2, No. 11, June 2015, p. 5-8. (Arabisch)
Chapters in edited volumes
“Transformation, Social Media and Hybrid Media Systems: Rethinking Counter-Issues’ Media Visibility in North Africa Before and After the Arab Uprisings”, In: IEMed (ed.), IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook, 2019. Available at:
“Media and of democratization paradigms in the Arab World – paradoxical relationships", In: Al-Anani, K., El-Affendi, A. (Eds.) Transition Theory after the Arab Spring: The Impact of the ‘Arab Moment’ on Current Political Thinking on Revolutions, Democracy and Political Change, Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press, 2019. (in Kürze erscheinend)
“Evolving Roles of Media before and after the ‘Arab Spring’ – Lessons Eights years after the revolutions”, In: Hamdy, N. & Auter, P. Communication as an agent of change in modern Arab World. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. (in Kürze erscheinend)
“Communication Studies in Transformation - Self-Reflections on an Evolving Discipline in Times of Change”, In: Kohstall, F.; et al. (Eds.) Academia in Transformation: Scholars Facing the Arab Uprisings. Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos, 2018. (co-authored)
“Social Movements, Social Media and the Political Culture: Constitutional Debates in a transformative Post-Revolutionary Egypt”, In: Richter, Carola; et al. (eds): Digital Media and the Politics of Transformation in the Arab World and Asia. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer VS, 2018.
“Verlorener Glanz: Das Ägyptenbild in deutschen Printmedien” [Lost Glory: The Image of Egypt in German print media], In: Abboud und Stehli-Werbeck (Hrsg.): Die Wahrnehmung des Anderen in der arabischen Welt und in Deutschland [The perception of the other in the Arab world and Germany], Münster, Germany: Lit, 2017.
“Kommunikationswissenschaft in Ägypten: Transnationale Zirkulationen im Kontext von Kolonialismus und Globalisierung” [Communication Studies in Egypt: Transnational Circulation in the context of colonialism and globalization] In: Averbeck-Lietz, S. (Ed.): Kommunikations-wissenschaft im internationalen Vergleich. Transnationale Perspektiven. Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 2017. (co-authored)
“Lessons learned from the German Public Broadcasting: Can it be implemented in Egypt?” Cairo, Egypt: Arab Forum for Alternatives Think Tank, 2017. (in Arabic)
(mit Carola Richter) „Kommunikationswissenschaft in Ägypten“, In: Averbeck-Lietz, Stefanie (Ed.): Kommunikationswissenschaft im internationalen Vergleich. Transnationale Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2016.
Public Sphere, new media and political culture in post-revolutionary Egypt, In: Orient Institut Studies, Vol. 3, 2016,
(mit Mehrez Ghali) Social movements, constitution debates and online deliberations in the post-Mubarak Egyptian public sphere , In: Orient Institut Studies, Vol. 3, 2016
„Images of the U.S. in Egyptian Media: A New Factor enters the Equation“, In: Shahin, Magda (Hg.), Egypt – U.S. Relations in a New Era, Cairo, Prince Alwaleed Center for American Studies and Research, American University in Cairo, 2014.
„Battleground Facebook: Contestation Mechanisms in the Social Media in the Framing of the Egypt’s Revolution 2011”. In: Berenger, Ralph (Hg.), Social Media Go to War: Rage, Rebellion and Revolution in the Age of Twitter. Spokane, Marquette Books, 2013.
„Parallelen und Kooperationsmöglichkeiten in der Scientific Community – Eine international-vergleichende Perspektive am Beispiel der Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft in Ägypten und Deutschland,“ Article in the DAAD-Report due to the 50th Anniversary in Cairo, DAAD-Regional Office in Cairo (May 2010)
„Der Mord an Marwa: ein medienkritischer Rückblick“. In INAMO (Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten), Vol. 15, Autumn 2009, pp.41-45. in the same time published on, „Medienkritik im Fall Marwa El-Sherbini: Das Feindbild der Anderen“, also in English under the title „The Murder of Marwa: Desperately Seeking Intercultural Sensitivity“.
Book Reviews
Susan D. Moeller, Packaging Terrorism: Co-opting the News for Politics and Profit, Wiley & Sons, Blackwell Publishers, 2009.In Media, War and Conflict, Vol. 2, No. 2, August 2009.
Mohamed Ali Bassyouni, Der Facebook Staat, (The Facebook State) Cairo, Shorouk Publishers, 2009. In DAVO, Vol. 29, August 2009.
Numerous articles on politics, social and media issues published in Al-Doustour Al-Tahrir newspaper and
Selected Presentations
(mit Carola Richter) “From counter-hegemony to power and back again: The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in transforming political and media structures”, Paper presented at the IAMCR 2015 conference in Montreal, Canada, 12.-16.07.2015
“Comparing two media systems in change in the East German media system 1989-1991 and the Egyptian media system 2011-2013”, A paper presented at the Al-Ahram Canadian Annual conference, Cairo, Egypt, 13.-16.03.2014
“Social Movements’ Online Discourses in the Social Media in a transforming Egypt” 18th Annual Conference of the Arab-US Association of Communication Educators, Tanger, Morocco 11-15.11.2013
Europe in the Middle East –The Middle East in Europe (EUME) International Summer Academy by the Forum Transregionale Studien (Berlin), AUC Aesthetics and Politics: Counter-Narratives, New Publics, and the Role of Dissent in the Arab World, Cairo, 16 – 27.09.2012
“Battleground Facebook”: Contestation Mechanisms in the Social Media in the Framing of the “Egyptian Revolution” in 2011, paper presented at the conference “Islam, Citizenship and the New Media in Pre- and Post-Revolutionary Egypt”, Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo, 18.-20.12.2011.
“Who is the Terrorist? Framing of Terrorism in the Context of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”, paper presented at the International Conference of the scholarly Network International and Intercultural Communication (NIIC) Beyond "Center" and "Periphery": (De)Westernization International and Intercultural Communication, Erfurt, 27-29.10.2011.
„Framing Terrorism in the Context of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – Assassination of Ahmed Yassin 2004 as a Case Study “, Presented at the Conference Global Media and the War on Terror, University of Westminster, London, 13.-14.09.2010.
Invited speaker on “Social Media and the Arab Spring: what remains? Encounters from Egypt” at Winter School "Social Media and Teaching – where do we go from here?" - at the Free University of Berlin, Berlin, 14.12.2014
Invited speaker on “Was it a Facebook Revolution?”, Invited Speaker at the Conference on Law and Economics in times of Revolutions, at the University of Hamburg, Hamburg, 6-9.11.2013
Invited speaker on “Islam and the Media: Reflections on the Image of Muslims in Western Media”, at the DAAD-Summer School “Muslims in the West”, University of Erfurt, Erfurt, August 2010 and August 2011.
Invited Speaker on „Internet as Potential for freedom in the Arab World?” at the Austrian Orient Society, Vienna, 10.-12.12.2009.
Invited Speaker on „The media representation of the terrorism in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict “, Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Bonn, 22.07.2009.