Prof. Dr. Anke Fiedler

Communication Policy / Media Economics
Office hours
by arrangement
- 2000-2006 studies of communication science, sociology and psychology (M.A.) at the Department of Communication Studies and Media Research of Ludwig-Maximilian-University (LMU) of Munich
- 2001-2003/2006 Student Assistant in empirical social research
- 2003-2004 studies of information and communication (M.A.) at the French Press Institute of Université Phanthéon-Assas Paris II
- several internships in journalism and freelance consultancies in public relations and for UNESCO Paris and Bujumbura
- 2006-2008 Project Assistant and Project Officer at UNESCO Iraq Office in Amman
- 2009-2011 Doctoral Researcher in a project dealing with the GDR press at the Department of Communication Studies and Media Research of Ludwig-Maximilian-University (LMU) of Munich
- 2012 PhD (Dr. phil.), PhD thesis: media control in the GDR (Young Talent Award of the Communication History Section of the German Communication Association)
- 2012/13 Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Communication Studies and Media Research of Ludwig-Maximilian-University (LMU) of Munich
- 2014-2016 Postdoctoral Researcher in the EU-funded project INFOCORE at Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
- winter term 2015/16 Visiting Professor (Communication History and Media Cultures) at Freie Universität Berlin
- since 2016 Research Associate at the Research Center in Information and Communication of Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
- 2017 parental leave
- since April 2018 Visiting Professor (Communication Policy / Media Economics) at Freie Universität Berlin
- since May 2018 Project lead in the EU-funded project RePAST at the Department of Communication Studies and Media Research of Ludwig-Maximilian-University (LMU) of Munich
Summer Term 2019
- V 28550 - Grundstrukturen des deutschen Mediensystems (with Hanan Badr)
- HS 28842 - Erinnerungskultur als politisches Gedächtnis
- Colloquium 28644 - BA-Colloquium der Arbeitsstelle Kommunikationspolitik/Medienökonomie
Winter Term 2018/2019
- S 28515 - Medien, Öffentlichkeit und europäische Integration
- HS 28772 - Medien und kollektives Gedächtnis im Kontext europäischer Integration
- Colloquium 28646 - BA-Colloquium der Arbeitsstelle Medienökonomie/Kommunikationspolitik
- Colloquium 28879 - MA-Colloquium der Arbeitsstelle Medienökonomie/Kommunikationspolitik
Summer Term 2018
Journal Articles
Fiedler, A. (2019). From Being Aware to Going There: On the Awareness and Decision-Making of (Prospective) Migrants. Mass Communication and Society, Online First. doi:10.1080/15205436.2019.1666992
Fiedler, A. (2019). The gap between here and there: Communication and information processes in the migration context of Syrian and Iraqi refugees on their way to Germany. International Communication Gazette, 81(4), 327-345. doi:10.1177/1748048518775001
Fiedler, A. (2016). Information to go: Kommunikation im Prozess der Migration am Beispiel syrischer und irakischer Flüchtlinge auf ihrem Weg nach Deutschland [Information to go: Communication in the process of migration on the example of Syrian and Iraqi refugees on their way to Germany]. Global Media Journal, 6(1), 1-25.
Meyen, M., Fiedler, A., & Schamberger, K. (2016). “It is a crime to be abusive towards the president.” A case study on media freedom and journalists’ autonomy in Museveni’s Uganda. African Journalism Studies, 37(3), 1-18. doi:10.1080/23743670.2016.1218351
Fiedler, A., & Frère, M.-S. (2016). “Radio France Internationale” and “Deutsche Welle” in francophone Africa: International broadcasters in a time of change. Communication, Culture & Critique, 9(1), 68-85. doi:10.1111/cccr.12131
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2015). A quasi-public sphere: Letters to the editor in the German Democratic Republic. Javnost: The Public, 22(2), 181-195. doi:10.1080/13183222.2015.1048932
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2015). “The totalitarian destruction of the public sphere?” Newspapers and structures of public communication in socialist countries: The example of the German Democratic Republic. Media, Culture & Society, 37(6), 834-849. doi:10.1177/0163443715584097
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2015). The steering of the press in the socialist states of Eastern Europe: The German Democratic Republic (GDR) as a case study. Cold War History, 15(4), 449-470. doi:10.1080/14682745.2015.1028531
Meyen, M., & Fiedler, A. (2015). Auflagenmillionär im Propagandaland. Eine Fallstudie zur DDR-Jugendzeitung Junge Welt [Circulation millionaire in “Propagandaland.” A case study on the GDR youth newspaper Junge Welt]. Studies in Communication Media (SCM), 2,
Fiedler, A. (2014). Gute Nachrichten für die SED. Medienlenkung in der DDR als politische Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [Good news for the SED. Media control in the GDR as political public relations work]. Medien & Zeit, 29(2), 46-58.
Meyen, M., & Fiedler, A. (2013). Journalists in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). A collective biography. Journalism Studies, 14(3), 321-335. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2012.697687
Fiedler, A. (2013). DDR-Zeitungen und Staatssicherheit: Zwischen staatlicher Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und operativer Absicherung [GDR newspapers and State Security: Between state public relations and operational security]. Deutschland Archiv, 1387, 145-155.
Fiedler, A. (2012). Mit dem Rücken zur Mauer. Wie die Bundesrepublik unerwünschte DDR-Berichterstattung unterdrückte [With the back to the wall. How the Federal Republic of Germany suppressed unwanted GDR reporting]. Deutschland Archiv,
Meyen, M., & Fiedler, A. (2011). Journalisten in der DDR. Eine Kollektivbiografie [Journalists in the GDR: A collective biography]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 59(1), 22-39. doi:10.5771/1615-634x-2011-1-23
Meyen, M., & Fiedler, A. (2011). Media Control in the GDR as Political PR Operation. A Case Study on Structures of Public Communication in Socialist Countries. Journal of Media Research – Revista de Studii Media, 9, 3-12.
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2011). Generalchefredakteure? Die Medienarbeit von Walter Ulbricht und Erich Honecker [Editors-in-chief? The media work of Walter Ulbricht and Erich Honecker]. Deutschland Archiv, 44(1), 18-25.
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2010). “Nichts tun, was unseren Interessen schadet!” Eine Inhaltsanalyse der Argumentationsanweisungen der Abteilung Agitation (1960 bis 1989) [“Do nothing to harm our interests!” A content analysis of the argumentation instructions of the Agitation Department (1960 to 1989)]. Deutschland Archiv, 43(6), 1034-1042.
Fiedler, A. (2014). Medienlenkung in der DDR [Media control in the GDR]. Vienna, Cologne, Weimar: Böhlau.
Meyen, M., & Fiedler, A. (2013). Wer jung ist, liest die Junge Welt. Die Geschichte der auflagenstärksten DDR-Zeitung [Young people read Junge Welt. The history of the GDR’s highest-circulation newspaper]. Berlin: Christoph Links.
Meyen, M., & Fiedler, A. (2011). Die Grenze im Kopf. Journalisten in der DDR [The border in the mind. Journalists in the GDR]. Berlin: Panama Verlag.
Edited Volumes
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (eds.) (2011). Fiktionen für das Volk: DDR-Presse als PR-Instrument. Fallstudien zu den Zentralorganen Neues Deutschland, Junge Welt, Neue Zeit und Der Morgen [Fictions for the people: GDR newspapers as PR instruments. Case studies on the mouthpieces Neues Deutschland, Junge Welt, Neue Zeit and Der Morgen]. Münster: Lit.
Book Chapters
Fiedler, A., Lima, H., Heretakis, E., Sipos, B., García Galindo, J.A., & Cuartero, A. (2019). Authoritarian media control in Eastern Europe, Spain, Portugal and Greece after World War II. In Arnold, K., Kinnebrock, S., & Preston, P. (eds.). The Handbook of European Communication History. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell (forthcoming).
Frère, M.-S., & Fiedler, A. (2018). Balancing plausible lies and false truths: Perception and evaluation of the local and global news coverage of conflicts in the DRC. In Fröhlich, R. (ed.). Media in war and armed conflict: The dynamics of conflict news production and dissemination (pp. 271-284). New York: Routledge.
Fiedler, A., & Frère, M.-S. (2018). Press freedom in the African Great Lakes Region: A comparative study of Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. In Mawindi Mabweazara, H. (ed.). Newsmaking Cultures in Africa: Normative Trends in the Dynamics of Socio-Political and Economic Struggles (pp. 119-143). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Fiedler, A., & Kovats, S. (2017). Digital media literacy in conflicts: The increasing role of social media in South Sudan. In De Abreu, B., Mihailidis, P., Lee, A., Melki, J., & McDougall, J. (eds.). The International Handbook of Media Literacy (pp. 368-379). New York: Routledge.
Frère, M.-S., & Fiedler, A. (2016). Les médias dans la crise burundaise: “Tu tues le coq, mais tu ne tues pas ce qu’il a chanté” [The media in the Burundian crisis: “You kill the cock, but you do not kill what he crowed”]. In Reyntjes, F., Vandeginste, S., & Verpoorten, M. (eds.). L’Afrique des Grands Lacs: Annuaire 2015-2016 [The Great Lakes of Africa: Yearbook 2015-2016] (pp. 119-141). Antwerp: University Press Antwerp.
Frère, M.-S., & Fiedler, A. (2015). Liberté de la presse et développement des médias: Les cas contrastés du Burundi et du Rwanda [Press freedom and media development: The contrasting cases of Burundi and Rwanda]. In Reyntjes, F., Vandeginste, S., & Verpoorten, M. (eds.). L’Afrique des Grands Lacs: Annuaire 2014-2015 [The Great Lakes of Africa: Yearbook 2014-2015](pp. 373-391). Antwerp: University Press Antwerp.
Fiedler, A. (2013). Sudan: Medien im Spannungsfeld von Islam, Instrumentalisierung und Idealismus [Sudan: The media between the poles of Islam, instrumentalisation, and idealism]. In Richter, C., & El Difraoui, A. (eds.). Arabische Medien [Arab media](pp. 143-154). Munich: UVK.
Fiedler, A. (2011). Wenn aus Feinden plötzlich Freunde werden. DDR-Presse im Spiegel der politischen Großwetterlage 1950-1989 [When enemies suddenly become friends. GDR press in the mirror of the political climate 1950-1989]. In Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (eds.). Fiktionen für das Volk: DDR-Presse als PR-Instrument. Fallstudien zu den Zentralorganen Neues Deutschland, Junge Welt, Neue Zeit und Der Morgen [Fictions for the people: GDR newspapers as PR instruments. Case studies on the mouthpieces Neues Deutschland, Junge Welt, Neue Zeit and Der Morgen] (pp. 135-163). Münster: Lit.
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2011). Jenseits von Gleichförmigkeit und Propaganda. Warum es sich lohnt, DDR-Zeitungen zu untersuchen [Beyond uniformity and propaganda. Why it is worthwhile to examine GDR newspapers]. In Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (eds.). Fiktionen für das Volk: DDR-Presse als PR-Instrument. Fallstudien zu den Zentralorganen Neues Deutschland, Junge Welt, Neue Zeit und Der Morgen [Fictions for the people: GDR newspapers as PR instruments. Case studies on the mouthpieces Neues Deutschland, Junge Welt, Neue Zeit and Der Morgen] (pp. 7-23). Münster: Lit.
Meyen, M., & Fiedler, A. (2011). Uniformität mit Profil. Eine Zusammenfassung [Uniformity with profile. A summary]. In Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (eds.). Fiktionen für das Volk: DDR-Presse als PR-Instrument. Fallstudien zu den Zentralorganen Neues Deutschland, Junge Welt, Neue Zeit und Der Morgen [Fictions for the people: GDR newspapers as PR instruments. Case studies on the mouthpieces Neues Deutschland, Junge Welt, Neue Zeit and Der Morgen] (pp. 321-331). Münster: Lit.
Meyen, M., & Fiedler, A. (2010). “Totalitäre Vernichtung der politischen Öffentlichkeit?” Tageszeitungen und Kommunikationsstrukturen in der DDR [“The totalitarian destruction of the public sphere?” Newspapers and structures of public communication in the GDR]. In Zahlmann, S. (ed.). Wie im Westen, nur anders. Medien in der DDR [Just like in the West, but different. Media in the GDR] (pp. 35-59). Berlin: Panama.
Other Publications
Fiedler, A., & Wollenberg, A. (2017). Critical thinking meets selective exposure. An examination of the media literacy of Iraqi media users. A publication of the media development organisation Media in Cooperation and Transition, Berlin. Online at:
Fiedler, A. (2017). Migration von Subsahara-Afrika nach Europa. Motive, Informationsquellen und Wahrnehmung deutschen Engagements [Migration from sub-Saharan Africa to Europe. Motives, sources of information and perception of German development cooperation]. A publication of the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart. Online at:
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2016). Information – education – participation. Media use among youth in Uganda. A publication of the Deutsche Welle Akademie, Bonn. Online at:
Fiedler, A., Veenstra, B., & Spilker, D. (2016). Syria audience research 2016. A publication of the Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD), Brussels. Online at:
Fiedler, A. (2015). De l’utilisation des médias au Mali [Media use in Mali]. A publication of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the media development organisation Media in Cooperation and Transition, Berlin. Online at:
Frère, M.-S., Nindorera, W., & Fiedler, A. (2014). Promouvoir des médias professionnels et responsables contribuant aux processus démocratiques dans les Grands Lacs [Promoting professional and responsible media contributing to democratic processes in the African Great Lakes]. A publication of the media development organisation Institut Panos Grands Lacs, Bujumbura. Online at:
Fiedler, A., Reimpell, P., & Maul, G. (2014). Syria audience research. A publication of the media development organisation Media in Cooperation and Transition, Berlin. Online at:
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2012). “Wolf Biermann ist ein Feind der Republik!” Die Berichterstattung der DDR-Tagespresse nach den Biermann-Affären 1965 und 1976 [“Wolf Biermann is an enemy of the Republic!” The reporting of the GDR daily press after the Biermann affairs of 1965 and 1976]. Presse in der DDR – Beiträge und Materialien. Online at:
Fiedler, A. (2012). Political newspapers in Sudan after separation: Fig leaves of government monopoly or real alternatives to the state-run media? A publication of the media development organisation Media in Cooperation and Transition, Berlin. Online at:
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2012). Zeitunglesen in der DDR [Reading newspapers in the GDR]. Presse in der DDR – Beiträge und Materialien. Online at:
Meyen, M., & Fiedler, A. (2011). Entwurf für eine Geschichte der DDR-Tagespresse [Concepts for a history of the GDR daily press]. Presse in der DDR – Beiträge und Materialien. Online at:
Meyen, M., & Fiedler, A. (2011). Der Blick über die Mauer: Medien in der DDR [Looking over the Wall: Media in the GDR]. Informationen zur politischen Bildung, 309, 72-74.
Conference Papers
Traunspurger, J., & Fiedler, A. (2019): Germany’s Collective Memory Revisited: The German Troubled Past in Media and Civic Discourse. IAMCR Annual Conference, Madrid, 8 July 2019.
Fiedler, A., & Traunspurger, J. (2019): Collective memory revisited: German history of the 20th century in media discourses. 3rd Annual Conference of the Memory Studies Association (MSA), Madrid, 28 June 2019.
Fiedler, A., & Traunspurger, J. (2019): Commemorative culture reloaded: Germany’s troubled past in right-wing counterpublic discourse. 69th ICA Annual Conference, Washington, 26 May 2019.
Fiedler, A., & Traunspurger, J. (2019): Wo der Osten leuchtet: Erinnerungskultur in der rechten Gegenöffentlichkeit. 64th Annnual Conference of DGPuK, Münster, 10 May 2019.
Mayerhöffer, E., & Fiedler, A. (2018). When mainstream media faces populism: A comparative discourse analysis of journalistic responses to right-wing populist movements and parties. ECREA, 7th European Communication Conference (EEC), Lugano, 2 November 2018.
Fiedler, A., & Traunspurger, J. (2018). Goodbye past? German history of the 20th century in counterpublic discourse. ECREA Pre-Conference, 7th European Communication Conference (EEC), Lugano, 31 October 2018.
Fiedler, A. (2018). For they do not know what they do? About the role of awareness‐raising campaigns in the decision‐making of prospective refugees and migrants. Pre-Conference, 68th ICA Annual Conference, Prague, 24 May 2018.
Kozman, C., Melki, J., & Fiedler, A. (2017). Uncertainty reduction, involvement, and emotions during war: A survey of Syrian nationals’ media uses in four countries. #AMIRetreat 2017 (Advanced Media Institute), Limassol, 2 September 2017.
Fiedler, A., & Frère, M.-S. (2016). Public trust or distrust? Perception and evaluation of conflict-related news in Burundi and the DRC. IAMCR Annual Conference, Leicester, 28 July 2016.
Frère, M.-S., & Fiedler, A. (2016). Media and electoral crisis in Burundi: Silencing the “voice of the voiceless.” IAMCR Annual Conference, Leicester, 28 July 2016.
Fiedler, A., & Frère, M.-S. (2016). Balancing plausible lies and false truth: Perception and evaluation of the local and global news coverage of conflicts in Burundi and the DRC. 66th ICA Annual Conference, Fukuoka, 10 June 2016.
Fiedler, A., & Frère, M.-S. (2015). Comparing media freedom in post-conflict societies. Reflections on the situation of the media in the African Great Lakes Region. IAMCR Annual Conference, Montreal, 14 July 2015.
Frère, M.-S., & Fiedler, A. (2015). Professional solidarity and journalistic practices in conflict countries: The case of the Radio Publique Africaine in Burundi. IAMCR Annual Conference, Montreal, 13 July 2015.
Fiedler, A., & Frère, M.-S. (2015). Media freedom – an imperative in post-conflict societies? 65th ICA Annual Conference, San Juan, 23 May 2015.
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2015). The GDR’s Junge Welt: Mouthpiece of the communist youth, propaganda vehicle, and the public’s favourite. 65th ICA Annual Conference, San Juan, 22 May 2015.
Meyen, M., & Fiedler, A. (2015). Letters to the editor and the public sphere in the GDR. 65th ICA Annual Conference, San Juan, 22 May 2015 (Top Paper Award, Communication History Division).
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2014). Mouthpiece of the communist youth organization, propaganda vehicle, or simply the people’s favourite? The history of the GDR’s circulation champion Junge Welt. ECREA, 5th European Communication Conference (EEC), Lisbon, 15 November 2014.
Fiedler, A. (2014). The effects of state media control on public opinion: A case study on the TV Broadcaster ORTM in Mali. IAMCR Annual Conference, Hyderabad, 18 July 2014.
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2014). Comparing media systems in transition: A study of Pakistan, South Sudan, Mali, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and Iraq. IAMCR Annual Conference, Hyderabad, 16. July 2014.
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2014). Journalism in six post-authoritarian Asian and African countries. International Conference on “Comparative Media Studies in Today’s World: Journalism Cultures in Various Socio-Political Contexts,” St. Petersburg, 25 April 2014.
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2013). The transformation of media systems in times of change: A comparative study on the freedom of the media in nine countries. The 5th International Media Readings, Moscow, 14 November 2013.
Fiedler, A. (2013). Nach dem Arabischen Frühling: Medienfreiheit in Ägypten, Tunesien, Libyen und im Irak [After the Arab Spring: The freedom of the media in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Iraq]. Workshop des Netzwerks “Medienstrukturen” [Workshop of the Network “Media Structures”], Munich, 18 October 2013.
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2013). After the Arab Spring: The freedom of the media in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Iraq. IAMCR Annual Conference, Dublin, 28 June 2013.
Fiedler, A. (2013). Media and nation building in post-secession South Sudan: A beacon of press freedom in Africa? IAMCR Annual Conference, Dublin, 26 June 2013.
Fiedler, A. (2013). Print journalism in Sudan after separation: Writing despite official constraints. 63rd ICA Annual Conference, London, 20 June 2013.
Fiedler, A. (2012). Political newspapers in Sudan after separation: Fig leaves of government monopoly or real alternatives to the state-run media? IAMCR Annual Conference, Durban, 18 July 2012.
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2011). Autobiographies of GDR journalists: Reconstructing journalistic structures in former socialist countries. IAMCR Annual Conference, Istanbul, 15 July 2011.
Meyen, M., & Fiedler, A. (2010). Media control in the GDR as political PR operation: A case study on structures of public communication in socialist countries. Conference at Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, 29 October 2010.
Fiedler, A. (2010). Medienlenkung in der DDR [Media control in the GDR]. Medienhistorisches Forum des Studienkreises Rundfunk und Geschichte in Kooperation mit dem Nachwuchsforum Kommunikationsgeschichte der Fachgruppe Kommunikationsgeschichte der DGPuK [Media History Forum, Studienkreis Rundfunk und Geschichte, in cooperation with the Young Talent Forum of the Communication History Division of the German Communication Association], Wittenberg, 8 October 2010.
Meyen, M., & Fiedler, A. (2010). “The totalitarian destruction of the public sphere?” Newspapers and structures of public communication in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). 60th ICA Annual Conference, Singapore, 23 June 2010 (Top Paper Award, Communication History Division).
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2010). Letters to the editor and the public sphere in the GDR: A case study on user generated content in socialist countries. International Workshop and Founding Conference of the ECREA Section Communication History, Potsdam, 4 June 2010.
Other Presentations
Fiedler, A. (2018): Goodbye past? German history of the 20th century in right-wing counterpublic discourse. Bildkorrekturen-Konferenz [Young Journalists Correcting Images Conference], Leipzig, 24 November 2018.
Trpevska, S., & Fiedler, A. (2016). Audiences and lay publics in times of conflict: Sources of information, perceptions and interaction with the media. INFOCORE Stakeholder Seminars, Brussels, 17 November 2016.
Fiedler, A., Frère, M.-S., Micevski, I., & Trpevska, S. (2016). Confiance ou méfiance du public ? Perception et évaluation des informations relatives au conflit au Burundi et au République Démocratique du Congo [Public trust or distrust? Perception and evaluation of conflict-related news in Burundi and the DRC]. INFOCORE Stakeholder Seminars, Gisenyi, 29 September 2016.
Frère, M.-S., & Fiedler, A. (2016). Etude comparative sur les médias et les conflits : Réflections sur le projet INFOCORE [Comparative study on media and conflicts: Reflections on the INFOCORE project]. Workshop “Recherche qualitative et comparative sur les médias et le journalisme” [Workshop “Qualitative and comparative research on media and journalism”]. Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, 22 March 2016.
Fiedler, A. (2015). Media and conflicts in the African Great Lakes Region: Preliminary results from the EU-funded Research Project INFOCORE. Conference for Young Journalists and Media Researchers, Freie Universität Berlin, 20 November 2015.
Frère, M.-S., & Fiedler, A. (2015). The media and the electoral crisis
in Burundi: Silencing the “voice of the voiceless.” MECODEM-INFOCORE workshop “Media, elections and conflicts in Africa,” Oxford, 16 November 2015.
Fiedler, A., & Frère, M.-S. (2015). Comparative studies on media, conflict and elections in Africa: Reflections from INFOCORE. MECODEM-INFOCORE workshop “Media, elections and conflicts in Africa,” Oxford, 16 November 2015.
Micevski, I., Frère, M.-S., & Fiedler, A. (2015). Media and lay publics. INFOCORE Stakeholder Seminars, Brussels, 9-10 October 2015.
Melki, J., & Fiedler, A. (2014). Methodological and logistical challenges of audience research in conflict zones: Studying news media uses of Syrians. Symposium des Forums Medien und Entwicklung (FoME) [Annual Conference of the “Forum Media and Development”], Bonn, 6 November 2014.
Fiedler, A. (2013). Use and image of the national TV broadcaster ORTM in Bamako, Mali. Conference of International Broadcasters’ Audience Research Services (CIBAR), Washington DC, 5 November 2013.
Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2011). Medienlenkung als Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: Eine quantitative Inhaltsanalyse von vier zentralen DDR-Zeitungen (1950 bis 1989) [Media control as public relations: A quantitative content analysis of four GDR newspapers (1950 to 1989)]. Workshop “Politische Kommunikation im Staatssozialismus nach 1945” [Workshop “Political communication in state socialism after 1945”], Bielefeld, 7. Oktober 2011.
Panel Discussions
Wenn die Blätter fallen: Der Herbst ’89 im ND [When the leaves fall: Autumn ‘89 and the newspaper Neues Deutschland]. ND live Berlin, 14 June 2014, with Hans-Dieter Schütt, Gabi Oertel, Karlen Vesper and Wolfgang Spickermann.
Juba Youth: Film und Fernsehen im Südsudan nach der Unabhängigkeit [Juba Youth: Film and television in South Sudan after independence]. Deutscher Entwicklungstag Berlin, 25 May 2013, with Alexander Pfeuffer and Sebastian Prams.
Die Grenze im Kopf: Journalisten in der DDR [The border in mind: Journalists in the GDR]. Zeitgeschichtliches Forum, Leipzig, 19 March 2011, with Marcus Merkel, Daniel Küchenmeister and Axel Kaspar.
Book Reviews
Franziska Kuschel, Schwarzhörer, Schwarzseher und heimliche Leser. Die DDR und die Westmedien, Göttingen: Wallstein, 2016. 336 pp. €34.90, in Neue Politische Literatur, 62(2), 2017, 363-364.
Quinn Slobodian (ed.), Comrades of Color. East Germany in the Cold War World, New York: Berghahn Books, 2015. 325 pp. €126.80, in Neue Politische Literatur, 62(1), 2017, 158-159.
Regina Finsterhölzl, Kommerzielle Werbung im kolonialen Afrika. Die Werbebranche und der politische Wandel in Ghana 1930-1970, Weimar: Böhlau, 2016. 400 pp. €69.90, in Neue Politische Literatur, 61(3), 2016, 525-526.
Thomas Großmann, Fernsehen, Revolution und das Ende der DDR, Göttingen: Wallstein, 2015. 296 pp. €34.90, in Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte, Vol. 18, 2016, 203-204.
Christiane Baumann, Die Zeitung “Freie Erde” (1952-1990). Kader, Themen, Hintergründe. Beschreibung eines SED-Bezirksorgans, Schwerin: Landesbeauftragte Mecklenburg-Vorpommern für die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen DDR, 2013. 180 pp. €6.00, in Zeitgeschichte regional. Mitteilungen aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 18(2), 2014, 138-139.
Katrin Bobsin, Das Presseamt. Staatliche Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für die SED, Weimar: Böhlau, 2013. 480 pp. €49.90, in rezensionen:kommunikation:medien, 9 October 2013,
Patrick Conley (2012), Der parteiliche Journalist. Die Geschichte des Radio-Features in der DDR, Berlin: Metropol. 335 pp. €22.00, in Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 61(1), 2013, 96-97.
In the Media
Interview in Lausitzer Rundschau (13 May 2016): “Nichts schreiben, was sich gegen die DDR richtete,” p. 3.
Interview in Neues Deutschland Magazinbeilage (2 April 2016): “PR im Auftrag der SED,”
Interview in Frankfurter Rundschau (6 May 2014): “Der Journalist Erich Honecker,”
Interview in EuradioNantes (20 April 2011): “Die Rolle der Medien nach dem Fall autoritärer Regime,”
Fiedler, A. (2014). Medienlenkung in der DDR [Media control in the GDR]. Vienna, Cologne, Weimar: Böhlau (Communication History Young Talent Award of the Communication History Group of the German Communication Association for the best dissertation 2014).
Meyen, M., & Fiedler, A. (2015). Letters to the editor and the public sphere in the GDR. 65th ICA Annual Conference, San Juan, 22 May 2015 (Top Paper Award, Communication History Division).
Meyen, M., & Fiedler, A. (2010). “The totalitarian destruction of the public sphere?” Newspapers and structures of public communication in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). 60th ICA Annual Conference, Singapore, 23 June 2010 (Top Paper Award, Communication History Division).