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Johanna Burger M.A.

Johanna Burger

Division Communication Policy / Media Economics

Institute for Media and Communication Studies

Department of Political and Social Sciences

PhD Candidate

Johanna Burger's dissertation deals with local media coverage in Switzerland and its connection with voter turnout at the municipal level.

Academic career:

08.2007-07.2013: Gymnasium Glarus (High school). Main subject: Latin. Additional subject: Computer science

09.2013-07.2016: Bachelor's degree at the University of Zurich. Major: Journalism and Communication Minor: Political Science

09.2016-01.2021: Master's degree at the University of Zurich, Monomaster: Political Science with focus on "Swiss Politics.

Since 10.2021: Project staff member/Doctoral student SNF at the University of Applied Sciences Graubünden.

Since 10.2021: Lecturer/PhD student at the Free University of Berlin

Since 07.2022: President of the Program Commission SRG Ostschweiz


Since 07.2016: Member of the Program Commission SRG Ostschweiz

Since 09.2020: Member of the Board SRG Ostschweiz

Since 04.2021: Vice-President of the Association for Urban Culture Graubünden

Since 04.2023: Spokeswoman (Co-Fachgruppensprecherin) of the Journalism Research Section SACM - Swiss Association for Communication and Media Research

Since 04.2024: Member of the steering committee and co-chair of the European Consortium for Political Research, section for political communication

Secondary employment:

Freelance journalist at Somedia AG

Summer semester 23:

28846: News deserts - Forschung (News deserts - research)

Winter semester 21/22:

28621: Akteure der Lokalkommunikation und ihre Leistungen (Local communication actors and their services)

Summer semester 22:

28554: Strukturen der Lokalkommunikation (Local communication structures)

Since 2021: Collaboration in the international, interdisciplinary research project "Local Journalism & Municipal Communication in the Digital Transformation", funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation

Presentations (selection):

  • 02.11.2018: European communication conference ECREA, co-presenting: “How to reach the young audience? Interviews with Public Service Media officials in Switzerland before and after the attack on the license fee (‘no billag’)”, Lugano, Switzerland.

  • 04.04.2019: "Reaching the young audience - but how? The SRG's view before and after No Billag" at the SGKM 2019 in St. Gallen (CH) together with Dr Corinne Schweizer

  • 21.04.2022: Conference of the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research, co-presenting: “Neue Zugänge = neue Chancen? Eine Analyse der Schweizer Regional- und Lokalmedien zum aktuellen Stand audiovisueller Innovationen”, Zurich, Switzerland.

  • 03.02.2023: Swiss Political Science Association (SPSA) Annual Congress, presenting: “Deserts and oases in Swiss democracy - The coverage of local media and the political and social consequences of news deserts and news oases in Switzerland”, Basel, Switzerland.

  • 16.02.2023: Conference of the German Communication Association, specialist group communication and media ethics, presenting: “Neugestaltung der Lokalkommunikation zum Erhalt von Demokratien?”, St. Pölten, Austria.

  • 23.06.2023: SFSIC Doctorales (Société Française des Sciences de l'Information & de la Communication) PhD Conference, poster session: “Voter dans les déserts et les oasis d'information - La couverture des informations régionales et locales et son influence sur le vote communal en Suisse”, Dijon, France.

  • 20.04.2023: Conference of the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research, presenting: “More deserts, less attention for politics? Nachrichten-Oasen, Nachrichten-Wüsten und deren Stellenwert für die kommunale Wahlbeteiligung in der Schweiz”, Lucerne, Switzerland.

  • 30.05.2023: ICA post conference Novel Directions in Media Innovation and Funding by the Global Journalism Innovation Lab, presenting: “Innovations in local media (funding) in Switzerland and neighboring countries”, Toronto, Canada.

  • 09.02.2024: Conference of the German Communication Association, specialist group communication and politics, presenting: “Which medium is the message? Lokalmediennutzung vor Regierungs- und Grossratswahlen”, Berne, Switzerland.

  • 22.02.2024: Conference of the German Communication Association, specialist group communication and media ethics, presenting: “Innovation und Überleben: Facetten der Nachhaltigkeit in Schweizer Lokalmedien – eine Strukturübersicht”, Munich, Germany.

  • 15.03.2024: General Conference of the German Communication Association, presenting:  “Replik auf die Kritik an der news desert Forschung und neue methodische Überlegungen zum Fortbestand des Forschungsstrangs”, Erfurt, Germany.

  • 05.04.2024: Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association MPSA, presenting: “Rethinking news deserts - a response to recent criticism and further methodological development of the research strand on the example of Switzerland", Chicago, USA.