Prof. Margreth Lünenborg interviewed by Deutschlandfunk
News from Jun 01, 2021
This year, the German Casting-Show Germany's Next Topmodel (GNTM) had its 16th season. As always, millions of viewers shared the excitements with the candidates, cheered on them, laughed about them and felt embarassed for uncomfortable situations in front of the TV. Why do viewers of GNTM practice these bodily-affective practices?
About that, Prof. Margreth Lünenborg discussed with Christoph Sterz in an interview by Deutschlandfunk. She talks about how affective dynamics constitute social orders between viewers.
The interview is accessible through audio and text in German on the website of Deutschlandfunk.
The research findings of the study on season 13 of GNTM have recently been published in the monograph Affektive Medienpraktiken. Emotionen, Körper, Zugehörigkeiten im Reality TV.