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New working paper published by Prof. Margreth Lünenborg and Dr. Débora Medeiros

News from Jan 20, 2021

In “Journalism as an affective institution. Emotional labor and the discourse on fraud at Der Spiegel” Prof. Margreth Lünenborg and Dr. Débora Medeiros explore the underlying aspects surrounding emotional labor in everyday life inside newsrooms and how these aspects contribute to discursively (de)stabilize journalism as an institution. In order to do this, they apply the literature on affect and emotion in journalism as well as on discursive institutionalism to the analysis of a particular moment of crisis: the fraud scandal around Claas Relotius, an award-winning German reporter for the news magazine Der Spiegel.

The Working Paper is published in the working paper series of the Collaborative Research Center Affective Societies and can be downloaded here.

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